هو مكان العمل المراقبة الرقمية العمل القذر؟

مراقبة مكان العمل عمل رقمي قذر

The continuous advancement of technological tools has made it possible to measure and monitor employees’ activities at the workplace, which has never been possible before. It is happening due to fundamental changes in how employees work at business organizations, the rise of privacy concerns, and the specter of a lack of monitoring in the workplace. Today, employers can perform unblinking eye tracking of employees using contemporary tech tools. Moreover, companies worldwide know that workers would be more productive if they had social interactions even, and digital monitoring of workforce behavior worries privacy advocates. On the other hand, business organizations have a couple of الإلتزامات القانونية apart from the employees’ consent, which means they are under constant monitoring.

تثور الأسئلة ، والمراقبة في مكان العمل هو العمل القذرة الرقمية أم لا ، لي تيان ، وهو محام كبير في مؤسسة Electronic Frontier Foundation في سان فرانسيسكو.

إنهاء الموظفين بسبب المراقبة في مكان العمل: [احصائيات]

مساءلة المؤسسة على موظفي الجناة الرقميين

The corporate sector worldwide appears to be closely tracking employees’ activities regularly, and employers have further terminated offender employees when they get caught red-handed. However, an employee has been terminated based on violating the company’s policy or getting involved in something fishy using the company’s or personal cell phones and computer machines. Let’s discuss the percentage of companies that terminated employees when they go against the policies.

تقول الإحصائيات:

  • Due to inappropriate browsing activities, terminated employees –26%
  • Due to inappropriate emails sent/received by terminated employees –26%
  • Time-wasting activities on cell phones terminated employees –6%
  • Instant messaging on company-owned devices terminated employees –4%
  • استخدام تطبيقات الوسائط الاجتماعية on company-owned devices –2%
  • مشاركة الوسائط المتعددة مثل مقاطع الفيديو والصور في ساعات العمل -1٪
  • استخدام المدونات الشخصية ومدونات الشركات الموظفين المنتهية -1٪

علاوة على ذلك ، قال ما يقرب من 13٪ من استطلاع الشركات أنهم استخدموا رؤية مواقع الشبكات الاجتماعية للتطبيقات الوظيفية للمرشح أو المدونات الشخصية كجزء هام من المقابلة. ومع ذلك ، أفاد 3٪ أنه لا يتعين عليهم توظيف المتقدمين بسبب المحتوى المنشور على هذا النوع من المواقع.

Why Is Workplace Surveillance On The Rise?

Since business organizations function via voice and videos, they converge on IP–based networks. Corporate infractions are happening online these days. Therefore, leakage of business intellectual property, habits of goldbricking, and leakage of company’s trade secrets, no matter if it occurs purposely or incidentally.

When employees seem hard at work, it violates the company’s policies. As a result, employers have to prevent all these activities to protect their business, and they usually tend towards legal and compliance requirements.

Employers these days filter and block websites and monitor employees’ emails on the company’s laptop and desktop computer devices. In addition, employers are keeping a hidden eye on employees’ social media apps and websites, blogs, and other activities, especially at the workplace during working hours.

Furthermore, business executives collect and retain cell phone calls, incoming or outgoing, and text messages sent/received. Strangely, employers are also interested in tracking employees’ physical location using smartphone GPS location tracker apps.

ليس من الضروري أن نطلب من مكان العمل رقابة رقمية في مكان العمل على عمال تكنولوجيا المعلومات المعروفين باسم المتخصصين ، فمن الشائع جدا في هذه الأيام إنجاز المهمة لأداء المراقبة على القوى العاملة ، نانسي فلين ، المدير التنفيذي لمعهد ePolicy . ومع ذلك ، يتفق مراقبو الصناعة على أن مراقبة أماكن العمل قد أصبحت جزءًا أكبر من قطاع تكنولوجيا المعلومات في هذه الأيام.


وقال مايكل وركمان ، الأستاذ المشارك في معهد ناثان إم بيز لإدارة الأعمال في معهد فلوريدا للتكنولوجيا: "إن رصد الموظفين في أماكن العمل يأخذ على الأقل نسبة 20٪ من متوسط ​​وقت عمل صاحب العمل".

عندما تصبح المراقبة في مكان العمل العمل القذر الرقمي:

Monitoring your workforce becomes dirty when you constantly track your employee’s activity, especially without obtaining their consent. Moreover, gathering personal data to protect your business secrets without making a written agreement with your employees harms employees’ morale. Therefore, employees must have written consent and introduce the company’s policy during recruitment.

مقابلة موظف لول

Otherwise, business executives are breaching employees’ privacy in the name of protection and violating the law under the Cybercrime Act. Though companies keep an eye on employees who are more likely to require the security of their assets, the nature and intensity of the employees’ tracking are based on how the company keeps hidden employees’ activities. On the other hand, if you are doing dirty work in the name of employee monitoring in terms of tracking their personal belongings, you are affecting employees’ well-being, work culture, creativity, and motivation.

المراقبة في مكان العمل مثل العمل الرقمي القذر: التأثيرات على الموظفين

Employee tracking is possible these days in plenty of ways. Nowadays, business executives are using hidden phone and PC trackers, time tracking apps, and plenty of other apps that allow employers to keep tabs on every activity employees have done at the workplace. On the other hand, keeping your workforce under constant monitoring also affects employee morale, which affects many things. Let’s discuss how spying on employees’ data affects their efficiency.

خفض الأداء

Digital dirty work, in terms of breaching employees’ privacy with the use of monitoring tools, will affect the performance of the employees. Employees will always be insecure, considering that their personal calls, text messages, and social networking content are being monitored. Therefore, don’t use employee monitoring to breach their privacy; monitor their productivity or prevent activities that can harm your business.

الإجهاد في الموظفين

When employees learn that they are being monitored for all their activities, they may think about the things they have done for personal reasons. Because no one is willing to reveal their activities, they won’t be able to concentrate on their assigned tasks. Ultimately, employees start lacking productivity.

يسود عادات العمل متطابقة بين الموظفين

The constant workplace surveillance, especially in digital dirty work, prevails in similar working habits. Because employees know that employers are watching their activities in real-time, and they have to produce productive work. So, they turned themselves to quantity rather than quantity rather than creating skilled or creative work.

قلة الأخلاق ودوران العمل

Employee morale will decrease because spying on your employees negatively makes them feel detached and devalued. However, it is common that feeling downgraded by employees reduces their productivity, may cause them to become disgruntled, and may end their tolerance. Therefore, always try to impose مراقبة الموظفين within limits and make your employees feel comfortable.

كيف تعمل المراقبة في مكان العمل؟

There are several ways to protect your business at work without breaching the privacy of your employees. Let’s discuss the tips that you need to apply to the fullest extent in order to تتبع موظفيك دون تجاوز الحدود.

  • Introduce the limits of internet usage policy, obtain written consent, and further use a spy app for Windows and MAC for browsing activities and blocking inappropriate time-wasting websites.
  • Monitor emails sent or received emails on the company’s owned devices
  • تسجيل أنشطة الشاشة الحية of your company’s owned cell phones, laptops, and desktop computer machines
  • Use a data backup app to retreat all the lost data due to any employee activity
  • Monitor IMs running on the company’s owned devices that you have previously discussed with your employees
  • استعمل الإنذارات القوية لرصد الكمبيوتر برامج لمنع التصيد الاحتيالي أو أنشطة غير مصرح بها للقبض على الموظفين غير النزيهين
  • Use the keystrokes logging tool to get your hands on the particular keystrokes applied by your employees that can harm your business. You can monitor using weak passwords, email content, and text messages to monitor Messenger installed on the company’s devices.
  • Monitor the front camera of your company’s owned laptop machines to know whether employees are on their seats or not. Moreover, you can تسجيل الأصوات المحيطة and conversations on the company’s devices to understand what your employees are talking about behind your back. Remember, don’t use tracking tools for computers to breach your employees’ personal belongings, especially in terms of employees’ devices.


Workplace surveillance is necessary to protect your business and measure productivity. However, no one has the right to breach someone’s privacy, including employees, apart from their activities on the company’s computer devices. Further, you can ban the use of personal cell phones and gadgets at the workplace.

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