There is a new series of issues occurring in school-going tweens, mental health clinics, and religious places across the country talking about tweens’ obsession with sexual addiction. Today, young tweens are bombarded with x-rated content and fantasies, and parents on the other hand face swear problems while getting professional help to stop teens from getting their minds dirty. The world has become an increasingly sexualized society where access to sexual activities is a piece of cake. The technology-addicted tweens and teens range from social media addiction to pocket porn resulting in hook-ups” with adults they met online.
When a teen has clear access to cyberspace on their digital cell phones then they can do anything such as they can use social media, use mobile phone browsers to watch sexually explicit content to get their minds dirty. Resultantly, internet sexual content makes them obsessed and it would be very hard for them to break free. Seemingly, finding someone over the internet for hook –has never been easier but plenty of dating apps out there that make it quite easy to find out sexual partner no matter what if they are tweens. The lack of impulse control and excessive curiosity about sex by watching inappropriate content is increasing day by day ends up with the sexual offense and legal issues most of the time.
According to the survey of Common Sense Media & Pew Research center:
Teen cell phone addiction is on the rise, according to the Common Sense media report. Almost 50% of teenagers worldwide believe that they are addicted to their digital devices, and 78% of teens are used to checking their cell phones at least once an hour. Additionally, almost 72% of teens are pressured to respond instantly to texts, phone calls, notifications, and social media messaging. Besides this, the Pew Research Center report stated that 73% of tweens and teens between the ages of 13 and 17 had smartphone devices or access to one device, and 24% said they are constantly online.
What teens really do on their cell phones: Pew Research Center Stats?
Teens use cell phone devices for making text messages, Voice calls, and do many other things to spend time with their significant others.
- Text Messages:
Occasionally, almost 92% of teens send and receive text messages to their significant others whom they first online and do sexting as well.
- Cell phone calls:
Almost 87% of teens spend time with the person whom they met online by using cell phone calls.
- In-person meeting after meeting online
Once teens have got engaged with their online partner they decide to meet in –person mostly in school timings or afterward.
- Social Media:
70% of teens use social media sites to have chat conversations with someone.
- Chat through a video call
55% of tweens and teens say they make video calls with their partner
- Instant messaging apps
49% of teens stay connected with strangers online by using instant messengers or social messaging apps on cell phones
Tweens and teens having their digital devices get involved with the strangers or whom they have been met in real–life stay connected with via text messages, mobile phone calls and in-person meetings after or within the school timings. Teen daters said they use mobile phones and the internet as their best way to gets their minds dirty.
Teens do believe that social media is the top venue for flirting
- Almost 55% of tweens and teens ages 13 -17 said they have flirted or talked in –person with someone.
- 50% of teens said that they have used social media platforms such as Facebook and others to tell someone they are interested in.
- 47% have shown their interest in someone by liking, and commenting, on their romantic interest online.
- 31% receive and send flirty messages
- 10% of teens send or receive sexually suggestive pictures and videos.
Young tweens girls are more likely to become the target of flirting tactics and get sexually groomed and get their minds dirty
Stages that make teens get their minds dirty
Tweens and teens do not get their minds dirty at such a young age unless their parents have bought them personal cell phone devices and internet connections. This is the point where teens get started to explore the Internet of Things. Peer pressure among teens is a huge subject in getting involved in the cyber–world. Over time they get used to their smartphones and browsing activities and the time comes when they see their friends asking them why don’t have social media profiles such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and plenty of others alike. Teens start texting, cell phone calls, and video chatting with their friends at school and then the story gets started.
- Stage:1. The very first cell phone of tweens: The problem gets started
When parents buy individual or separate mobile devices for teens to use for entertaining and study purposes. On the other hand, teens encounter things that they were not aware of before in cyberspace. They do whatever they want and finally, they come to know about the evil of all issues social media.
- Stage:2. Teens make their social media profiles
Teens get started with the creation of social media profiles on Facebook, in particular, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, and plenty of others alike. They upload their profiles with photos, and videos and then make friends online with whom they have never met in real life before. Additionally, when they start social media messaging and chat conversations with strangers at the end of the day they become addicted to digital devices like cell phones, tablets, and pads. They always want to remain online for messaging to their online friends. They encounter online predators such as cyber bullies, stalkers, and sexual predators who groomed them sexually from time to time, and at the end of the day, they get their minds dirty. The social media platforms work as slow poisoning stuff that leads them ultimately to the point where they lose their innocence and get involved in such activities which makes them obsessed with social media.
- Stage 3. Get involved in online dating via dating apps.
The third stage for teens to get their minds dirty is the use of online dating apps. When teens get used to social media to share photos, and videos in a sexually suggestive possess and get appreciation from strangers. This is the point where they want to make love to someone and they start using dating apps. Before coming to this stage they have online partners but they won’t make up their minds to meet them in real –life but few out of hundreds do this and often become the victim of stalking and cheating. So, they find online dating apps as the best source to find their significant other. Therefore, they use apps like Tinder and other social media platforms that can be used as dating tools such as Snapchat and many others alike.
- Stage:4. Encounter with online pornography
Once teens get their minds dirty and get sexually groomed then they visit porn on their digital devices. Almost 93% of boys and 62% of young girls are exposed to porn online in their tween age. Tweens spend almost 30 consecutive minutes on adult or x –rated content regularly having cell phone devices connected to the internet. Teens obsessed with adult content perform the same things while having a hook–up” online with someone and even share self–codenity–based photos and videos.
Therefore, we have come across a few points that personal cell phone devices, social media usage, dating apps, and adult content are the factors that make teens get their minds dirty. Therefore, parents put common questions to prevent teens to get their minds dirty.
Internet is a dangerous place for tweens and today it is the mother of all evils among children. You can simply set parental control on your tween’s digital devices and get rid of all the hectic ways that we have mentioned in the above-mentioned queries. You can simply set parental control on teen’s mobile phones to prevent tween to get their minds dirty by using technological tool cell phone parental monitoring software.