Come clonare il telefono Android da remoto? (Processo graduale)

Come clonare il telefono Android

Indubbiamente, passare il tempo clonare un telefono does not seem that easy. It may seem time-consuming and hectic stuff to do. But today, we will give you an easy guide to get you up and do the job very fast.

You may want to intercept live calls and messages from your target phone, or you may want to get your data from an old Android phone and move it to the newest one.

To do this, you’ll need to use a reliable cloning software or tool. You have to follow some steps to clone a phone with Android. This process allows you to clone various data types, including contacts, messages, call logs, photos, videos, and more. Let’s start it!!!!

Cosa significa clonare un telefono?

Mobile phone cloning means making a copy of the data of the target cell phone. The purpose of cloning the android gadget could be different, such as monitoring someone’s activities on their phones, such as young kids and teens, employees, and the person in a relationship with you.

On the other hand, it may also be possible that one wants to change the old Android phone and desync the entire phone into the new one.

Come clonare un telefono cellulare in remoto?

Supponiamo che non vedi l'ora di clonare il tuo dispositivo telefonico o desideri monitorare il dispositivo cellulare di qualcuno con l'aiuto di Monitoraggio Android.

Then, you have to follow some basic steps of the phone cloning app to get your older phone’s actual data and reload it into your newest phone. Let’s discuss all the steps you need to follow to clone a mobile phone with an Android phone.

Utilizza l'applicazione TheOneSpy

Initially, suppose you want to clone a particular phone with a clone phone app to get the smartphone data. In that case, you are willing to track someone’s phone activities such as text messages, incoming and outgoing calls, shared media files, Passwords, and many other things.

Once you have installed the Android phone cloning app on the target phone, you will have the power to monitor all cell phone activities and even deliver your old cell phone data to the new one without facing issues.

Once you have installed the spy app for  Android, your headache is whether you want to clone the phone for your reasons or spy on someone’s phone.

Here, how can I clone with TheOneSpy?

  • Subscribe to the app by selecting a suitable package.
  • Wait to receive the credential email.
  • Now install the app by getting physical access.
  • Once you’ve done this, you can log in to the web control panel to view all data from the targeted device.

TheOneSpy offers a convenient and straightforward method to clone Android and iPhone devices. With its easy installation process and user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly view data from the targeted device.

Utilizza il metodo CLONEit

The second best way to clone your phone is to use the CLONEit app. This helps you a lot in cloning your Android devices to use this method, you have to make sure the CLONEit app is on your devices, then connect the device to an internet connection to transfer the data.

Use one device to share data and another to receive. So, the CLONEit app will work to clone the device data. Once done, you can share and view data like photos, messages, emails, call logs, contact lists, and installed app data.

Here is How to Use Cloneit to Transfer Data

  • Open the app store to Find the CLONEit app
  • Before you begin the data transfer, it’s crucial to ensure that the CLONEit app is installed on both the device you’re transferring data from and the device that will receive it. This step is a key preparation for a successful data transfer.
  • Now connect the devices via the internet
  • Seleziona i dati che desideri condividere
  • Once you are done, CLONEit work, soon you’ll see the shared data

This method can be helpful, but we can not guarantee its reliability. It may leak your data. So, to prevent any danger, choose the top method to clone Android data.

cloneit method

Utilizza il metodo Bluetooth

Bluetooth is another way to clone your Android phone data. As with the others, this method also needs two devices: one to transfer the data and a second to receive it.

The user must install the Cloner tool on their phone to use Bluetooth. Then, the devices are put in discoverable mode to make sure the Bluetooth is turned on. while using this method, you must keep both devices close to complete the process. Pair both devices to clone the device data.

Look at How to Clone with Bluetooth

  • Unlock both devices( one to transfer the data and the other to receive it)
  • Turn on the Bluetooth app on both devices
  • Now pair both devices by entering the pin to connect
  • Once it is done, you can open the files from the targeted device and choose the data you wish to clone
  • Click on Accept from the other device to receive the data.
  • Wait a few seconds to see the transfer data from the targeted phone on another device.

This is also a considerable and easy method to clone Android phone data. However, make sure the two devices are close to each other while using Bluetooth

Perché clonare i dati del dispositivo?

Backup dei dati is essential because your cell phone may be hit with a catastrophic accident at any time, and you may lose all of the data on your phone within seconds.

So, it is indispensable for a person looking forward to cloning or tracking someone’s device or shifting the data from an older device to a new one. All you need to do is have data backup on your Android phone gadget.

Therefore, I would prefer a tool that is the best one for creating a data backup for your Android mobile phone data.

At the same time, it will behave as to clonare telefoni Android oppure spiare il telefono di qualcun altro, ad esempio dal punto di vista genitoriale, per tenere traccia delle attività del dipendente e dei suoi dati all'interno del dispositivo e tenere d'occhio qualcuno che ami di più.

Il software spia Android OneSpy non è solo uno strumento, è una soluzione versatile. Che tu abbia bisogno di clonare un telefono Android, monitorare le attività di un telefono di destinazione o eseguire qualsiasi altra attività relativa ai dati, è tutto ciò che fa per te. La sua adattabilità lo rende una risorsa preziosa in vari scenari.

Che tipo di dati puoi clonare?

Gli utenti possono utilizzare il metodo clone per trasferire i dati, che include:

Email, calendari e contatti

Se desideri ottenere i dati delle e-mail, dei calendari e dei contatti inviati e ricevuti, utilizza i metodi di clonazione. Un utente può condividere i dati della rubrica, degli eventi del calendario e dei registri delle attività con la migliore app di monitoraggio Android e conoscere il E-mail con contenuti Gmail.

Immagini, foto e altri file multimediali

A volte, le persone archiviano file musicali, foto e molte altre cose sui propri telefoni Android e non vogliono eliminare o perdere interi file. Un utente può accedere ai dati utilizzando i file multimediali del file spia mobile app, grabbing all the multimedia data, and shifting it to the new phone.

On the other hand, if someone is monitoring someone, a user can remotely view the phone gallery of a target phone.

Password, segnalibri e cronologia di navigazione

Usa il  accedere al keylogger dell'app di sorveglianza Android all the keystrokes applied to the target phone. Finally, you will have all types of keystrokes, such as password, SMS, messenger, and email keystrokes.

A user can also view the bookmarked and visited websites of the target cell phone browser using the browsing history of Telefono cellulare TOS spionaggio.

Messaggi SMS e MMS

Quando si tratta di mettere le mani sui dati dei messaggi SMS MMS, è necessario utilizzare metodi di clonazione. Un utente avrà il contenuto di sms, messaggi, MMS, BBM messaggi di chat e notifiche ticker heads-up.

Dati di chat e conversazioni di Instant Messenger

Many users want to save their entire conversation for different reasons, such as on social media apps Facebook, Tinder, Line, Vine, and others.

If someone has accidentally deleted the conversation or forgotten the password and ID.

In that case, they can use the social media spy app IMs of the mobile phone tracking software and recover the password and email ID by using the keyloggers and online control panel of the best Android spy app.

Clonare un telefono con Android

Una volta che hai preso tutti questi passi uno per uno, alla fine scoprirai di avere tutti i dati sul tuo vecchio telefono Android o che hai i dati sul tuo dispositivo telefonico Android di destinazione. Ora puoi trasferire tutti i dati del tuo vecchio telefono su quello nuovo e, utilizzando tutti questi passaggi per clonare il telefono, puoi apprendere al meglio tutte le attività della persona target.


La spia Android OneSpy è l'unico strumento migliore per clonazione di telefoni cellularie puoi anche utilizzare i metodi clonalo e Bluetooth. Porta il miglior app per spiare cellulare per molteplici attività come la clonazione di un telefono, il monitoraggio le attività telefoniche di qualcunoe creando un backup dei dati.

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