

Police have allowed most of the sex –offenders to remove their names from the pedophiles and rapist registry in England and Wales this year.警方已允许今年大多数性犯罪者从英格兰和威尔士的恋童癖者和强奸犯登记处删除他们的名字。 More than three-quarters of the sex –offenders had given applications to law enforcers with a written affidavit that they no longer a threat to society.超过四分之三的性犯罪者以书面誓章向执法人员提出了申请,要求他们不再对社会构成威胁。 Therefore, the names of the convicts have been allowed to sign off the danger list.因此,罪犯的名字已被允许在危险清单上签字。 Only 363 convicts out of 1288 applications were not allowed to get their names removed from the sex-offenders registry.在XNUMX个申请中,只有XNUMX名罪犯被禁止从性罪犯注册表中删除其姓名。

Home Affairs have chosen committee said rapist, pedophiles, and people who have charged in other sexual offense given the right to anonymity unless the police need their names.内政部选择委员会说,强奸犯,恋童癖者和被指控犯有其他性犯罪行为的人被赋予匿名权,除非警察需要他们的名字。 It should ban to identify the name of the sexual offense suspects.它应禁止识别性犯罪嫌疑人的姓名。 But one of the rap victims Jil Sward called the suggestions humiliating.但是说唱受害者吉尔·斯沃德(Jil Sward)之一对这些建议感到羞辱。



The removal of the sex –offender's names from the registry based on the honesty of the convicts that they will not get involved in any sexual assault.基于罪犯的诚实,即他们不会卷入任何性侵犯,从登记处删除性犯罪者的名字。 They have to submit a two pages self-assessment form, and then they apply to the authorities.他们必须提交两页的自我评估表格,然后向主管机关提出申请。 Seemingly, hundreds of the sex-offenders will sign off from the convict's registry, and they are free to go to the streets again without supervision.看来,数百名性犯罪者将从罪犯的登记处注销,他们可以在没有监督的情况下再次自由上街。 The number of cases happened in which the people who were taken off the register, again involved in sexual assaults like rape, child abuse, and many others alike.发生了许多案件,这些案件使被注销登记的人再次卷入强奸,虐待儿童等性侵犯。


A heating argument is exchanging between the campaigners and the people who have given the proposal favor of sex-offenders that they should have anonymity.竞选者与赞成提案的性犯罪者之间发生了激烈的争论,他们应该匿名。 The groups of victims are opposing the proposal.受害者团体反对这一提议。 The media organizations and the society Editors are raising their voice against the proposal.媒体组织和社会编辑对此提案表示反对。 They have the opinion that the victims should have known the people who have charged to sexually assaulted their loved ones.他们认为受害者应该认识那些指控对自己的亲人进行性侵犯的人。 People are confused;人们感到困惑; some say an innocent person would lose all of their reputations, but a serial suspect gets an encouragement to do the crime again.有人说一个无辜的人会失去所有的名声,但是一个连环的犯罪嫌疑人得到鼓励再次犯罪。

儿童剥削和在线保护中心前首席执行官吉姆•甘布尔(Jim Gamble)对受害者表示,受害者在做出决定后会感到侮辱和羞辱。 英国广播公司.

此外,竞选组织“保障联盟”的负责人艾米丽·康斯坦塔斯(Emily Konstantas)说,我们不允许这一过程继续进行,因为它使性犯罪者能够改变其身份。


The law had changed when two–sex offenders have won the case and claimed that even they had completed their punishment, they no longer can live life and the Supreme Court ordered for their anonymity based on their conduct during the trial.当两性犯罪者胜诉时,法律发生了变化,并声称即使完成了刑罚,他们也无法过上生活,最高法院根据审判期间的行为下令匿名。 Now the question arises, do the attackers have the human rights what about the victims!现在问题来了,攻击者是否享有人权,受害者又如何呢! Young teens and tweens have been raped, molested, abducted, and are facing plenty of sexual assaults with every passing minute worldwide.在世界各地,青少年和青少年被强奸,骚扰,绑架并面临大量的性侵犯。 These sorts of anonymities keep going what would be the future of our children.这些匿名性将继续发展我们的孩子的未来。 Sex-offenders have already got anonymity on the web, and they are targeting teens online and then in the real –world.性犯罪者已经在网络上成为匿名者,他们以网络为目标,然后以现实世界为目标。


In my opinion, parents these days are on there- own.我认为,这些天父母都是靠自己的。 They have to look after teens to the fullest.他们必须充分照顾青少年。 They are no longer a convict's registry in which they can see sex –offenders living in their surroundings because most of the convicts have granted anonymity.他们不再是可以看到性犯罪者的定罪登记处,因为大多数定罪者都允许匿名。 Previously, we have read a new in which law enforcers have spread a registry in which police have public the names of therapists, child abusers, and other sex –offenders to keep kids and young teens safe from the convicts.以前,我们读过一篇新文章,其中执法人员分发了一个注册表,警察在其中公开治疗师,虐待儿童的人和其他性犯罪者的名字,以保护儿童和青少年免受罪犯的伤害。 Now they are free to go everywhere.现在他们可以自由地到处走动。 Therefore, parents are on their own to safeguard kids.因此,父母要自己保护孩子。


Post internet world is blessed because they have to look after children in real –life.后互联网世界是幸运的,因为他们必须照顾现实生活中的孩子。 Nowadays, parents are helpless all the time, and they have to keep an eye on the teens and tweens in particular in the real world and the virtual world as well.如今,父母一直无助,他们必须特别关注现实世界和虚拟世界中的青少年。 Therefore, you need to use the technology to make sure the safety of the children since the sex offenders granted anonymity, and you can no longer detect a child abuser, rapist, and others to restrict your child from a place to hang out.因此,自从性犯罪者被授予匿名身份以来,您需要使用该技术来确保孩子的安全,并且您再也无法检测到虐待儿童,强奸犯和其他人来限制您的孩子在某个地方闲逛。


以前,我们想出了一个新闻,您可以监控周围环境中性掠食者的位置,但是 并非所有的性掠食者都是有罪的。 Therefore, rather than wasting time seeing the predator GPS location in your surroundings, you need to因此,您需要浪费时间查看周围环境中的捕食者GPS位置,而不是浪费时间 跟踪GPS位置 of your children to restrict their movements.您的孩子限制他们的动作。 You can use technology that helps you out to know where teens and children are hanging out with friends on the occasion of Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, and in daily routine life.您可以使用技术来帮助您了解圣诞节,万圣节,情人节和日常生活中青少年和朋友在哪里闲逛。


Technology has made its way to the next level, and your cellphone addicted kids enable you to keep their tabs all the time on the virtual world and in the real –world.技术已迈入了新的高度,您的手机成瘾者使您能够始终在虚拟世界和现实世界中保持领先地位。 You can use cellphone你可以用手机 父母监护软件 in kid's cellphone devices.在孩子的手机设备中。 It enables parents to know to whom kids and teens are talking on cellphone calls, social messaging apps, and on the digital playgrounds.它使父母能够知道孩子和青少年正在通过手机,社交消息应用程序以及数字游乐场与谁聊天。 You can keep your children at bay by setting Geo-fence when you are children moving freely outside the house.当孩子们在房子外面自由移动时,可以通过设置地理围栏来阻止孩子。

You can verbally guide your teens to stay at certain places and then check them out virtually whether they are following your instructions or not.您可以口头上引导青少年留在某些地方,然后以虚拟方式检查他们是否遵循了您的指示。 Parents can set a家长可以设定 电子围栏 on the Google map by using a cellphone monitoring app.使用手机监控应用在Google地图上显示You can see whether children are in the created online fence or outside of it.您可以查看孩子是在创建的在线围栏中还是在其外部。 Moreover, parents can listen to and see the surroundings and further can unveil the hidden whereabouts of the children virtually.此外,父母可以聆听并看到周围的环境,并可以虚拟地揭露孩子们隐藏的下落。 Parents can see the pinpoint location of teens, location history, and the route map of the teens on the map.父母可以在地图上查看青少年的精确位置,位置历史记录以及青少年的路线图。


The convicts are free to go back on the streets again, and they could involve in sexual assaults.罪犯可以自由地再次流落街头,他们可能卷入性侵犯。 Therefore, parents are on their own to safeguard teens and young children.因此,父母要独自维护青少年。 You can make use of the piece of the technology rather than cursing the lawmakers.您可以利用这项技术,而不用骂立法者。 Law enforcers do have their limitations, but you have your rights to protect your loved ones to the fullest.执法人员确实有其局限性,但是您有权保护自己的亲人。


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