Monitoring Tool or Intrusion?监控工具还是入侵? Workers Insecure Over Tracking Tech–Poll工人对跟踪技术没有安全感


在技​​术方面 现场直播录制, 击键, 视频监控, 通话录音GPS位置跟踪 使英国工人部署不安全,无法在民意调查中远程工作时跟踪员工的生产力。 几个月来的大流行使企业专业人士强烈要求部署监视软件,该软件可以使老板在上班时间不在家中远程工作时就可以看到他们的员工。 跟踪技术已经严重引起了员工对隐私泄露,侵入式和非法监视的担忧。


The online poll result says more than two-thirds of British workers feel uneasy because of deployed programs on business-owned devices that allow employers to know how many time employees have struck on their devices keypads.在线民意调查结果显示,超过三分之二的英国工人感到不安,原因是在企业拥有的设备上部署了程序,这些程序使雇主可以知道员工有多少次敲击设备的键盘。 It enables employers to see the productivity of the employees in working hours, a survey report of 1,800 people conducted by the trade union.工会对XNUMX名员工进行的调查报告使雇主可以在工作时间内查看员工的生产率。





The survey conducted in the last month of September by-poll YouGov, 75% of the employees were annoyed because algorithms used to make a check on their productivity and offer them promotions.在XNUMX月的最后一个月由YouGov进行的调查中,有XNUMX%的员工感到烦恼,因为算法曾经用来检查他们的生产力并提供晋升。 The monitoring tools,监控工具 击键记录,屏幕时间,电子邮件跟踪, 屏幕监控,还有许多其他方法尚未在英国广泛使用。 Only one in three workers had heard about the tracking technology, according to trade union officials.据工会官员称,只有三分之一的工人听说过跟踪技术。 The uses of surveillance tools for illicit monitoring are more likely to become common as businesses switch to remote working permanently.随着企业转而永久使用远程工作,将监视工具用于非法监视的可能性越来越大。

 “我们有一份报告清楚地表明了一位成员关于雇主的说法,即雇主将选择监控软件,” Andrew Pakes Prospect研究主管向汤普森路透基金会表示。




根据卡迪夫大学和南安普敦大学的学者进行的一项研究,员工普遍担心,如果不亲自观看员工,就会降低生产率。 受访者的意见并不相同,人们说这将提高员工的生产率。 有人说,这会降低工人的生产率,并影响老板与雇员之间的关系。 因此,英国公司在部署之前应征得员工的同意。 员工监控软件 在商用PC上。





Business firms should have a clear stance on tracking employees by using monitoring software.商业公司应该对使用监视软件来跟踪员工有明确的立场。 The surveillance of workers needs to bring benefits rather than just breaching their privacy on business devices.对工人的监视需要带来收益,而不仅仅是破坏他们在商业设备上的隐私。 They should have the consent and let your employees know about the nature of tracking –tech.他们应征得他们的同意,并让您的员工知道跟踪技术的性质。 Bosses should discuss the reasons behind their supervision.老板应讨论其监督背后的原因。


Business professionals need to adopt the ethical tracking of the employees, and they should consult it with their employees before the deployment of the monitoring technology on the business-owned devices.业务专业人员需要采用对员工的道德跟踪,因此在将监控技术部署到商用设备上之前,应与员工进行协商。 Employers can ensure their staffs how they can set the state of the art privacy safeguards.雇主可以确保其员工如何设置最先进的隐私保护措施。 The British mighty business lobby group (CBI) stated that most of the companies are investing in technology that can test algorithms for bias.英国强大的商业游说团体(CBI)表示,大多数公司都在投资可以测试算法偏差的技术。


对员工的非法和侵入性跟踪会影响员工的思想,并可能降低生产力和信任度。 的 同意对雇员进行监督,除非您使用监视工具而不破坏其私人空间,否则它不会影响工作人员的工作和信任。


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员工监督, 专业技术