Parents these days used of watching kid’s scrolling technological devices screen. In addition, they used of pressing keypad of the devices with their rapid –fire thumbs and fingertips alongside six –seconds attention span. In addition, the well-known Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston have seen their own kids using digital devices in such an obsessed way. So, she decided and began a quest to unveil how it might impact the children’s life growing up in the digital age. Today, youth is clearly known as screenagers says Ruston, she has been taken a deep personal interest since she probes into the dangerous concerns of family life.
So, she decided to explore each and every single aspect why children become so much addicted to social media, internet addiction, video gaming and many others alike. All these type of activities and obsession among screenagers impact in kid’s development. However, today irrespective of the investigation we will tell you the impact of screen on kid’s growth and how parents can deal with it.
Paternidade e Screenagers Típicos
O vício em telefones celulares, gadgets e telas de computadores conectados à Internet são os problemas parentais mais difíceis que já enfrentamos. Atualmente, os roteiristas realizam muitas atividades na tela de dispositivos digitais em termos de consumo de internet, videogames, mídias sociais e outros que são bastante complicados para os pais. Por outro lado, pais cometeram o erro são eles que afirmam sua autoridade sem explicar de uma maneira que faça sentido para a criança.
Hoje, se você está conversando com seus filhos, eles dizem: “É incrível como você pode ver vídeos em telefones celulares, compartilhar fotos nas mídias sociais e jogar videogame é a melhor atividade”, os roteiristas veem as atividades na tela.
De acordo com o Stats of Pew Research Center
- Young kids or screenagers growing up under the influence of digital devices used to spend 6.5 hours a day on the screen of digital devices apart from the classroom or homework screen time.
- Young boys at least spend an average time of 1. 5 days on video games every week, which is quite alarming for the parents
- Estudos recentes mostram que o excesso tempo de tela causa demência digital e também causa aumento da produção de dopamina. Também causa um tipo de comportamento que também imita o vício.
Screenagers: Impact On Children’s Life Growing Up In Digital Age
Young kids and teens are growing or have been grown up in the digital age under the influence of digital devices screens and internet access. They are more likely to grown up alongside multiple types of traumas, health issues and as well as plenty of dangerous impacts that we will discuss in this particular post.
Screenagers and Impact of Social Media
The amalgamation of these two could be disastrous for the teens that you cannot imagine. Social media itself is a wizard and on cell phone device it certainly oils the eyeballs in your eyes’ socket. Cell phone device alongside the internet connection empowers young users to install social media apps. Moreover, the trendy instant messaging apps enable the user to interact with the strangers online likewise stalkers, cyberbullies and others through text messages and conversations.
The problem takes steps further ahead when teens start using social media apps and websites as a dating one by sharing photos, videos in a compromising way to the strangers or the crush they have seen online. In addition, they make audio video calls and send voice messages. It means there are substantial influences digital devices have on our children.
Moreover, with the use of cell phone and social media, teens these days are harboring sexual fantasies on a mobile phone. Since the teens start owning cell phones, online predators and digital citizenship of teens are interconnected.
The more you have the presence of social media, the more you have interactions with the strangers. Therefore, screenagers need to be protected by the parents from the nightmares they are facing, or they could face in the future to the fullest.
Use of Screen in School
Today, young kids and teens are becoming undoubtedly overstimulated just because of excessive use of digital devices beyond the school gates. In addition, according to common sense, media reports implications of the threatening growth of screen use at schools on the name of studies can really be contributing issues for the children no time ever before.
Apart from the negative use phone or tablet usage at school likewise bullying online, stalking, dating online and excess to X –rated content, we as educators are modeling our students to adopt technology without thinking about the vulnerabilities.
However, schools these days are doing handy efforts to increase the time of technology by putting into their hands in terms of mobile phones, tablets, and laptop desktop computer machines.
Educators have come up with innovations likewise digital textbooks, collecting notes and stuff popular in K 12 education. Screenagers have to have digital device and internet connection particularly for studies, it means they are more likely to engage with predators online, adopt bad habits and dangerous trends online.
Video Games: Screen Agers Obsessed with Online Games
Não importa o que jogar online, especialmente em telefones celulares, gadgets e laptops conectados à Internet, não tenha sido diagnosticado como um distúrbio, mas os jogos on-line são um verdadeiro problema.
O estudo recente da Universidade do Novo México revelou que quase de XIX a XIX% de jogadores online mostram dependência de jogos online usando dispositivos digitais.
Através da pessoa, ele pode contar a história se é viciado em jogos on-line ou não devido a sintomas. Portanto, os pais precisam tratar o comportamento, e não o trauma.
There are multiple types of after effects an obsessed video game player can suffer with and emotional symptoms of video gaming addiction are in particular causes restlessness, irritable behavior, telling lies about time spent on games, remain lonely to spend time as much as can. Moreover, there could be physical symptoms of video game addiction such as fatigue, screen time cause digital dementia, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
O tempo excessivo de tela de dispositivos digitais que tornam a criança superestimulada causa problemas nos olhos e também causa demência, síndrome do túnel do carpo. Os pais precisam cuidar dos dispositivos digitais e das atividades na tela das crianças com controle dos pais
Parents Can Save Kids Life with TheOneSpy App
Parents can deal with all the negative effects of the digital world on screenagers by using TheOneSpy parental control app. Parents can use parental monitoring software on kids and teens devices and record screen activities in real–time using live screen recorder software.
Isso pode levar você a voltar rapidamente aos vídeos da tela que você pode ver tendo acesso ao portal eletrônico da web. Você pode gravar a tela do telefone celular do rastreador em termos de atividades do Chrome, atividades de aplicativos de mídia social, YouTube, e-mails, SMS e senhas aplicadas, mas não menos importante.
However, you can monitor browsing activities on your teen’s cellphone by default browser monitoring. You can get to know about visited apps, websites, and bookmarks. In addition, parents can keep a hidden eye on the social media activities of the screenagers. You can monitor social media logs in terms of text messages, conversations, shared media files and voice messages using TheOneSpy monitoring software.
Screenagers being grown up in the digital age have various types of impacts on their lives. Parents need to know that how to deal with the kid’s grown up under the influence of technology. Parents should kept children’s digital activities under monitoring.