6 Tips for Parents to Prevent Unwanted Teenage Pregnancy

6 tips for parents to prevent unwanted teenage pregnancy

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Adolescents and teenage Pregnancy are some of the most talked about social issues in modern societies around the world. However, the ratio of unwanted Pregnancy among teens and adolescents may differ, comparatively, in the developed and under-developing countries of the word. This is not less than a blow to parents, either a father or a mother when they have recently come to know their young child has come with the news “I am pregnant.”

Wha Stats Say About Adolescents & Teens' Unwanted Pregnancy.

Almost One out of every ten young tweens and teens have a child before they turn 15-18 out of high school, which gets them into trouble to get a reasonable job or secure future. On the other side, if girls move out of their parents’ homes, then stats show that 73% of teens will end up mired below the poverty line. US stats of Texas, Dallas County has spent 290 million annually paying for tweens’ and teens’ education in unwanted birth ages.

Reasons Behind Adolescents & Teenage Unwanted Pregnancy

There are plenty of factors that have been involved and come to gather that can get your tween pregnant. Let’s describe all of it one by one.

Poverty & Low Education

A high rate of teenage Pregnancy is generally seen in poor neighborhoods, which have a low level of educational attainment. As a parent, ensure that your teen understands the importance of education. 

Give your teenager a chance to join extracurricular programs, so he or she can feel successful and build hope for the future.

Tell your teens what healthy relationships should look like. And set clear rules and reasonable limits. Find out where they are and with whom, and be very strict about avoiding teen pregnancy. 

Through your lead, the teens will be able to make smart decisions concerning their reproductive health.

Media Influence: Technology

Today, we are dealing with the media influences that are impacting the young generation to the fullest. Young teens and tweens often get inspired by the media, such as romantic movies, and are sexually aroused through carnal content, such as pornography and others.

However, technology has also impacted a lot, such as the excess of cell phones and the use of social messaging apps.

Technology is the highest and ultimate factor that gets teens unwanted Pregnancy. Young teens use dating apps such as Tinder, Yahoo, Facebook, and Snapchat. And then have a hookup with the opposite gender online and then meet with unknown people and have sexual relationships.

Social media apps are one of the most influential factors that play a role in having relationships via cell phones. Especially the phones that are connected to the internet.  

Parents are unaware that teens are going to meet someone after having a chat conversation. Text messages and audio and video conversations on instant messengers.  At the end of the day, a teen or tween may encounter a stalker or sexual abuser, and the teen has left nothing but disappointment.

Drug Abuse

Party life is a present-time trend among tweens and teens, and they may abuse drugs within the hidden parties in whereabouts. Peer pressure gets teens and tweens to do parties with their fellow boys.

They do parties even with the older ones; unsafe sex in parties leads young teens towards unwanted Teenage Pregnancy.

Drugs such as alcohol and marijuana make teens unconscious during parties. This makes their encounters with stalkers and sexual abusers imminent.

Even predators are also present in families or in the nearby neighborhoods where teens are molested before reaching the period of puberty.

And some tweens and teens get pregnant before telling their parents. Some teens don’t like to have sex with their boyfriends without protection, and at the end of the day, things are discovered in Pregnancy.

Tips For Parents to Tackle Unwanted Adolescents & Teen Pregnancy

Tip # 1: Have Open and Honest Conversations about Relationships

One of the most effective ways to protect your teen from unwanted Pregnancy is to talk to them frankly and honestly about relationships. Take time to have a conversation with your teens about dating and intimacy. 

Talk about your values and expectations, but also be ready to hear their point of view. Dating and relationships are a normal part of teens’ lives, so as a parent, you should prescribe some rules to protect your child from bad results. 

Tip # 2: Start Early

Do not wait until your teen starts dating to talk about this. Initiate conversations about healthy relationships, consent, and sex education as the body changes, around age 11 or 12. 

Be ready to listen to their questions and respond to them responsibly. When you openly start talking about these topics,  your teen will be more likely to reach out to you with concerns and questions in the future.

Tip # 3: Know Who Their Real Friends Are

Make an effort to know your teen’s close friends and their families. Pay attention to who they spend the most time with, especially if it’s an older peer or romantic partner.

Discourage “steady” dating at a young age, as this can increase the risk of becoming sexually active and not using proper protection. Set clear rules forbidding unsupervised time with romantic partners.

Tip # 4: Explain Save sex

Guide young teens about safe sex; this will enable young teens to avoid the consequences of being a young pregnant hardship. So, mothers especially play their role in sex without safety, which can damage their teens emotionally, physically, and psychologically. This will help parents so that at least their young teens will have sex with protection.

Tip # 5: Guide Your Teen To “Respect Herself.”

Numerous circles of moms have stated that they must teach their teenage girls to take care of themselves emotionally and physically. Tell your teens and tweens about the psyche of the young boys, how they act, and how they can manipulate teen’s feelings to have sex with them. So, parents’ first lesson for young teens is to “respect yourself,” and then people will respect you.

Tip # 6: Discuss The Consequences

Parents can teach about the consequences to their young tweens and teens that their lives will be at stake of getting pregnant. Because, being a mother, you have to deal with your financial matters, health issues, and, most of the time, fear. These are the major factors that can lead teens to death.

Tip # 7: Set Clear Expectations

Talk honestly to your teen about your expectations on dating and relationships. Let them understand that casual dating and serious relationships are not permissible until they are mature and old enough. 

Express your views about this and talk about the fact that early connections might have a negative influence on their development. 

Tip # 8: Monitor Their Activities

Watch where your teen goes and who they go with. Take the time to meet the friends and the friends’ parents or guardians. Watch out for the red flags of a toxic relationship for your teen, including secretiveness, a drop in grades, or behavioral changes. Set concrete rules regarding curfews, check-ins, and time a boyfriend or girlfriend can spend together alone.

Tip # 9: Apply Monitoring to Your Teen’s Routine Activities.

Technology has made parents protect teens from real and online dangers. Cell phone devices are the most significant factor that can drive teens to have conversations with people, which can lead them toward harmful activities. Installing a mobile phone spy app on your cell phone would be the ultimate relief for parents to learn about teens’ routine activities. Parents can record and listen to the calls with the secret spy call recorder of the cell phone surveillance software.

Moreover, they can view sent or received text messages on their cell phone, such as iMessageBMM chat messagesSMS, and MMs. Furthermore, moms can view the social media activities of the teens. and the conversations they have with their peers and get to know all their secret plans. For example, you can use IM’s social media and spy on IM’s logs, such as chat conversations, private messages, and audio and video conversations. They can also see shared media files, such as audio and videos, and send or receive voice messages.

Cell Phone Tracking Software

However, parents can track teens’ whereabouts with the spycam bug of cell phone tracking software. It enables parents to record the surround visuals by making short videos on the phone. It hacks the front and back cameras and even captures images with the camera bug app. You can also listen to the surround sounds with the MIC bug of the mobile phone spy app. This way, you will get to know what is happening in the teens’ surroundings when they are not home.

Parents can track the tween’s and teens’ location if they don’t come home at the usual time. They can use the GPS location tracker of the cell phone tracking software to get to know the current and exact location. Parents can understand if teens have engaged in unethical activities by browsing the history of mobile phone surveillance software. It includes visited and bookmarked websites.

Live Spy 360 Camera Streaming

Sometimes, things go wrong, and parents may have to take rapid action. So parents can use a live Spy 360 camera streaming to view their surroundings in real-time by hacking the teen’s cell phone camera. Real-time surveillance of teens enables parents to protect them from ultimate dangers. They can also listen to the Android surroundings in real-time with the help of Spy 360 live surround listening to the best cell phone spy software.

Having said this earlier, media has its impacts, such as sharing photos and videos with stalkers. There are also sexual predators online that can put your teens in real danger. And they may make plans to meet with the predators in real life. Thus, parents can protect teens from stalkers, child abusers, and sexual predators with Spy 360 live screen sharing. It means anything that happens on the cell phone screen would broadcast cell phone spyware online control panel.  Parents can view that activity in real-time and take action against it.

Parents can also control teens’ cell phone activities with strangers with a remote phone controller. It enables parents to block text messages with strangers and incoming calls from strangers. It even stops the internet if there is communication between young teens on social media.


Technology has provided several ways for teens to encounter strangers. Cell phones are the most significant factor that allows teens to communicate with the one that leads your teen to get pregnant.

Parents can create a communication gap with cell phone tracking software when necessary. It can stop tweens and teens from doing sexual activities when it is needed.

However, after constantly being updated about a teen’s routine life, parents can protect teens from getting themselves into trouble. It helps them avoid “unwanted Adolescents & teen pregnancy.”

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