When College isn’t the Best Choice for Some Kids….

college is not best place for some kids

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A girl steps out of her car on the college gate. The driver speeds away, believing that she’ll go inside, on her own. But she doesn’t. She hurries off and enters the hospital building, on the opposite side of the road. She sits in the waiting lounge, impatiently looking at her watch, time and again. She waits desperately for her boyfriend to show up. Luckily or not, a teacher from her college had seen her disappearing into the hospital and had followed her to it, out of sheer curiosity. As their eyes met, the girl freezes in shock. After a moment of silence, the girl gathers her efforts, quickly gets up and runs to hide in the washroom. The teacher pursues her and waits for her to come out. Meanwhile, the boyfriend finally arrives and gets in touch with the girl. The girl informs him of the twist in the situation, so they plan to pretend that they are in, to visit a sick relative. As the teacher insists upon meeting the acquaintance, the fake drama reaches its end, and the girl is brought to accountability, inside the Principal’s office. As it turned out, she had not been attending her classes, now and then. Subsequently, the parents were informed, who were completely unaware of their daughter’s excursions. Case closed.

This is a real account of what many teenagers do in their college lives. Thanks to the teacher, who helped expose her student! But, are YOU aware of what your teenage child is up to these days? After all, it wouldn’t be a security guard or a teacher, whose eye will fall upon your child. Do you know how many classes do your son or daughter attends or bunks every day or are you informed about their involvement in a relationship?

Teenagers are in a budding stage, where their latent desires are blossoming, and their emotions are becoming. At the same time, this age is imperative, when it comes to education. Their academic performance and grades in college will directly influence their further educational career and professional life. Any distraction, at this stage, can become a stigma for life. As a parent, you wouldn’t be trading your ignorance against a life-lasting regret. Would you? Not really!

But how can you possibly be aware of all their personal and social activities, when you are not with them at all times? Come on, rack your brain!

Now, have you reached the same solution as I am about to present?

Yes, you are right. You can monitor them by using a cell phone monitoring software on their favorite smartphone! TheOneSpy takes monitoring to an advanced level and lets you spy on their surround voices and visuals using the camera and microphone bugging feature. They also let you dig into their instant messages and get a glimpse into their personal lives. They can record conversations on the phone and even let you intercept live calls. So, whether or not college is the best choice for your kid, TheOneSpy app can keep you informed and make amends before your hard-earned money goes down the drain.

TheOneSpy software helps you gather logs from the target phone or even tablets. When you purchase TheOneSpy software, the company provides you with your credentials, including a username and a password. This information is used to download the application on the targeted device as well as to access your control panel, after the installation of the software program. All the activity on the monitored device is routed to your online account that you can access at any time and from any place, provided you have a workable system and a stable internet connection.

Using TheOneSpy software, you can check out their incoming and outgoing calls and read the sent and received text messages. TheOneSpy software informs you about their short-term plans and the type of conversations they have with their friends. You can also dig into their calendar and appointments to get vibes of their upcoming plans. You can check out their presence in the college, by using the location tracker. TheOneSpy software not only gives you their exact at-the-moment locations but also reveal their past whereabouts. So, you would know if your child was actually in college or somewhere else. You can also view their internet preferences, to find out what’s keeping them busy.

So you find nothing unusual in their texts, and you discover that your child is within the parameters of his educational institute. Now, what? Is that enough to satisfy you? Are you sure that he/she is not bunking his/her classes or getting involved in some unethical practice?  TheOneSpy application software spares parents from all such worries and provides them relief sighs. Now the parents can be very much aware of what their kids are into.

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