Companies can Track Phone’s Movements & Targeting Users with Ads

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The mighty tech companies Google and Apple have pronounced this year that they will help out users to armor themselves from those startups compiling data of user’s profile based online behavior. From the time being, hundreds of companies are coming up with a variety of techniques to analyze intensely into the other activities of our online behavior. Earlier this year, in January, Google has reportedly stated that it would discontinue the practice to collect the cookies on its Chrome browser that makes it impossible for startups to track phone’s movements to prevent the tracking of our browsing behavior.

The adverting and publishing companies are hunting the cookies on our devices and gather information related to the shopping, searching, and browsing activities and analyze the psyche of the users and shape them into profiles. They collect information, and our profiles help them out to judge our political affiliation, online shopping interest, race, color, genders, health, and many more.

Google & Apple have made efforts this year to affirm user’s privacy from the companies compiling user’s profiles formed on online behavior.

What Google & Apple have Decided for the Collection of Data?

On the other hand, Google will keep going to collect the data from the search engines and sites like G-mail in general and YouTube in particular.

Apple has put forward a plan, says it would require apps in the upcoming versions of iOS that will get users permission before tracking them while they are using the services. It could delay the effectiveness of the data in the coming years after receiving a protest from Facebook. According to a poll in June this year report says more than 80% of people who have taken part in it would not go for such tracking.

The steps taken by the mighty companies are more likely to suppress the industry of the middle class that gathers user profile data from our digital footprints. However, the big guns that have big archives that used to collect the first-party data about their users are not going to impact Charles Manning, CEO of the analytics platform Kochava, said that.

Startups Looking for New Ways to Categorize User’s Content

Companies worldwide are trying to adopt different and new ways to arrange users and customize content that is turning out to new tools; physical signals from the phone.

We have seen Apple’s pronouncements, consumers are becoming conscious about their privacy, and the end of cookie, Abhishek Sen, Cofounder of NumberEight, a contextual intelligence company in the United Kingdom that analyzes the online behavior of users from a sensor in their cellphone, said that.

Sen further added that the NumberEight’s products as Content prediction software. The particular tool enables apps to gather the activity of users using data from a cellphone’s sensor: no matter what, if they are running, sitting anywhere, closer to the park, and while driving.

How Sensors in a Smartphone Work?

Most of the Cellphone devices have such elements that can gather data on their movements. If you have used the compass on your phone has internal sensors such as an accelerometer that enables you to locate the right direction and a magnetometer, which tracks magnetic poles. All the sensors in the smartphone are powerful features that allow the phone powers and when you pick up the phone and help you out to have the horizontal orientation of the phone to watch movies, play video games and stream a video on a large screen.

Sen has a lot of experience with the sensors in the phones because he worked in Blackberry and Apple. The utterance of NumberEight’s tech-based on travel and gathering sensors data as an integral part of research on London commuters, whose train and bus fares built on distance traveled. The Sen researched the use of sensor data to describe when a person has left the train or bus to charge the cost. However, Sen has analyzed the public contacts based on the long sales cycles, an application has prolonged the music and commercial services as well.

The Sensors can Predict the Physical behavior of Cell Phone Users

There are companies like NumberEight, and its competitors are used to of using sensors to arrange users’ data. Rather than creating profiles to target someone, for example, a woman age 35, the service can target such ads related to the people who have a habit of waking up early in the morning. The sensors will show that when the lady has picked up her cellphone after hours leaving, it unattended. Moreover, sensors can easily predict the schedule of the lady when she wake-up, and when she rides on the train. The sensors can get to know the physical behavior and direction of the phone user.

Sen further says, NumberEight can restrict the clients to collect the information and gather the data. Suppose a gaming application can get to know which of its consumers have made the most purchases. The NumberEight can also make predictions if the consumer is heavy or coming from a long distance. Moreover, a music application can make use of the service to know what kinds of songs users are more likely to skip under the circumstances. The application can get real-time information about the activities of the people.

Sen Says Marketers will No Longer Gather Data of the Users

In a scenario when the privacy breaching by the startups become limited and behavior will become more worthy no time ever before. On the other hand, marketers cannot get the information or assemble the online conduct of people’s profiles. On the other hand, despite getting the demographics of the user privacy likes and dislikes, services will gather to know about the user’s activities on their applications following what people are doing physically.

Moreover, brands worldwide need to take new initiatives to launch their campaigns, and they have to know about preferences. Sen further stated that you must know your products are in the right place rather than looking at the activities.

Apple may launch apps and eliminate data gathering instead of collecting the information. They will send messages to users and ask for tracking them no matter what if they can get the data without permission, Kochava CEO added.

Mighty companies like Google and Apple in the future cannot support apps for tracking users’ information on their apps on the websites. Instead, it would be a favor for companies like Facebook with extensive archives of users’ data.


The future of the companies worldwide would become unknown, alongside the least tracking on everyone but at a large scale in the field, but it would be least private. So, the startups that used to track phones targeting users with ads will decrease.

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