How to Break Your Kid’s Porn Addiction Using Monitoring Applications

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Nowadays children have easy access to many adult content sites because they can easily access them. This is primarily because of the high tech gadgets that every kid has in their hands today. While initially adult content was limited to magazines and comic books that were hidden and only taken out with great care and stealth, today kids have easy access to them because of the gadgets that they use. Anything connected to the internet is a possible threat to your child’s innocence which you as parents should strictly address and counter before it’s too late. Physically tapping into your kid’s phone is nearly impossible, therefore you can use kids monitoring applications to not only keep an eye on your kid’s online activities but also block any adult content from opening up.

Limit Internet time

Kids should never be given open access to the internet. Think of the internet as a never ending candy that your child will easily get addicted to and be having too much of it is harmful to his or her health. Moreover, if you employ restrictions on internet time from the very start, children will learn to time management; a skill which will be very useful for many years to come. Limiting internet time can be done via parental control monitoring applications easily. All you need to do is punch in a specified time duration and the monitoring application will automatically cut off all internet access once that time is reached. The only way to remove the blocked internet connection will be through a password that you as the parent will only be aware of. This way your kid will only use the internet for necessary things as he/she will know that time is limited.

Employ filters and blocks

Kids monitoring applications allow parents to feed in different filters that will help block adult content websites. These filters can be in the form of individual words or even complete phrases which you can feed the children spying application with. Once done, the application will not let your kid access any of the sites or search for any such content. Moreover, some monitoring applications also give the option of sending notifications to the parent device or smart phone every time the search engine detects any of the filtered words being used. It will block the word from being searched and also additionally send you a notification automatically.

Limit downloading applications

Pornography can be found in every corner of the cyber world. it has also harbored itself in different applications today. Therefore, with the help of TOS kids monitoring software you can make sure that only you have access to the Google Play Store or Apple Store or any other sites from where applications can be downloaded. Basically, the monitoring app will not allow the kid to download any applications without a pass code that only you will know. This way if your child wants any specific application on their gadgets, they will first have to discuss it with you. And on the basis of this, you can first research over the application before allowing your kid to download it onto their gadgets.

Checking web histories

The 21st-century kids are super smart. They have found ways to browse the internet without leaving any traces behind. However, TOS app browsing history feature is beyond these loopholes and can manage to extract complete web histories and store them on an online cloud for later viewership. Kids may try to delete their web browsing histories after searching for specific content, but since the monitoring application will side by side be making a blueprint of all the activity, you don’t have to worry about any web activity going unnoticed. Web histories are also a great way to understand the changing trends in your kid’s interests.


Even if you are not a working parent, it is fairly impossible to keep an eye on your kid 24 hours a day. Today’s kids are actively involved in activities that are usually outside the realm and comfort of their households which makes it even more difficult to track their actions and accordingly stop them. However, with parental monitoring applications like TheOneSpy, parents are becoming increasingly comfortable allowing their children supervised independence. This kind of freedom also allows the kid to grow up confident and can help you maintain a good relationship for many years to come.

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