How Parents Can Monitor Kids’ Phone and Surrounding Activities

parents can monitor kids phone and surrounding activities

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Do you want to monitor kids’ phone & surrounding activities? TheOneSpy is a monitoring app that helps parents listen to kids’ VOICE activities on the Phone and even in the surrounding sound of the target smartphone. Modern cell phone technology is no doubt the most influential and beneficial invention the world has ever been blessed with.

People used to make calls initially, and with the passage of time, it has also invented plenty of other Facilities for users such as text messages, sharing media files, instant messaging applications, use of the internet on the Phone, emails, and plenty of others activities that people of the world in the past had never thought about.

The contemporary world has become the planet of smartphones over the years. So, in today’s world, everyone has their own cell phone device, and they use it for several reasons. Without a shadow of a doubt, the modern age mobile phones are quite capable of so many things and serving humanity to the fullest. On the other hand, phone technology has also come up with issues that damage young kids and teens no time ever before. The following are things that have fully exploited the young community with the use of smartphones.

What Parents Should do to Monitor Kids’ Phone and Surrounding Activities?

Parents are the ones who always want to ensure the bright future of their young kids and teens. This is where they make heavy investments in kids’ and teens’ wishes, such as purchasing expensive cell phones. They should invest some amount in their security and track their hidden communication and activities in order to make their future more bright and secure. When it comes to tracking the activities of kids and teens on Phones and in their surroundings.

They go for free cell phone spy without access to the target phone, which seems impossible and ridiculous. So, they should at least know that free applications that pretend to be the best are not as effective as the parents are expecting. Spying on cell phones without installing the software on the target phone is also a very famous and funny phrase. Parents should get their hands on such a tool that is reasonable but effective at the same time.

TheOneSpy Can Help to Monitor Kids’ Phone and Surrounding

Parents should use TheOneSpy tracking app that allows them to listen live calls through the dashboard, and last but not least, MIC Bug. Today, we are going to tell parents what MIC Bug of TOS world no.1 Android monitoring software is capable of. They can use it to listen and record the live calls and the voices in the surroundings of your kids and teens who are doing inappropriate activities via phone calls or in the surroundings of target cell phone devices.

It enables a user to listen to the surrounding sounds and calls from 1 minute to 45 minutes.  That helps users to listen and record the live calls of kids and teens, and even listen to the surrounding voices and conversations. That will be very effective for parents in getting to know who kids and teens are talking to on the Phone and what they are really doing in their hidden whereabouts in the surroundings.

Furthermore, TheOneSpy can help parents monitor kids’ phone activities and even in the surrounding sound of the target smartphone. The only thing that parents need to do is to purchase kids and teens in order to protect them from strangers, stalkers, and online predators and avoid substance abuse.

Phone Obsessed Youth

The modern generation of young people was brought up with the constant presence of their smartphones and social networks. The average child receives a first smartphone at the age of 10 and has accounts on social networks at a younger age. Despite all the opportunities, overuse or improper use of smartphones and social networks at an early age poses potential threats to children’s development and well-being.

Health Issues

Obviously, teens and kids spend all their time on their phones till the time they wake up in the morning and the time they lay down on the bed. Resultantly, they start lacking in their health and have plenty of health issues such as sleeping disorders, obesity due to less physical activity, eye infections, stress, depression, and anxiety.

Hidden secrets of kids and teens

Cell phones enable a user to plan such secret activities that can really damage and exploit young blood. They plan with peers to parties and to use drugs in their hidden whereabouts; they become the victims of online and real-life bullies, and they can become real-life bullies and cyber bullies.

Communication with Strangers

Instant messaging applications allow teens and kids to interact with strangers, and after having a healthy conversation, they end up exchanging contact information. Once they exchange contact numbers online, then, they start chatting and making calls on the Phone and, after that, start planning to meet strangers in real life without having prior knowledge. The strangers could be predators, child abusers, or stalkers.

Consequences of Unmonitored Use of Phone

It is important for a parent to understand how unmonitored phone use can harm your child.  Lack of Sleep Late night texting, social media use and streaming videos in bed can severely disrupt their sleep schedule. Kids need between 8-10 hours of sleep to grow well, thus, limit the time spent on phone at night.


Anonymous messaging apps and other social platforms enable children to bully each other without fear of consequences. Parents should frequently monitor a child’s phone and social account for signs of cyberbullying.

Privacy and Security Issues

Children also share personal information on social networks and instant messengers and download viruses or click on phishing links. Teach children the importance of privacy when it comes to the use of the internet and disable any gadget that belongs to them.

Distraction and FOMO

People keep their smartphones close to social networks and entertainment sources that make them distracted, and anxious. Prioritize and limit the amount of time children spend on the phone during family time and homework, which can be referred to as constructive time.


Teenagers involved in the generation of sexually explicit texts are something that most people might not expect, and it has its legal consequences and social consequences as well. Be sure to monitor your teen’s messaging apps, and don’t let your teen engage in sexting.

Online Predators

Notably, technologies such as faceless messaging applications make it easier for the offenders to get in touch with the children. Monitor your child’s accounts and disable people from contacting them to spare them from themselves. It is always good to educate children about the safety of using social networks and possible grooming and predatory experiences.

Phone use is not something that should make you or any parent have a bad conscience, but then there is always a need for some guidelines that need to be met, and I believe that children should always know that no matter how far we are, we are willing to guide them. Reduce the amount of time that your children spend on the phone, set a certain amount of rules, and let your kids understand that they can always turn to you and ask about anything they come across on the internet.


Every parent needs to know the hidden and secret activities of kid’s whereabouts which they plan on the Phone or in the surroundings. With TheOneSpy controlling their phones and what is happening around them, you won’t have to worry about them getting on the wrong track, and you will be notified as soon as they start moving in that direction. TheOneSpy is a tool that puts parent’s worries to rest and provides alert when kids and teens are going to bad habits along with the prof.

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