TOS has Built Secret tools to Track Employee’s Emails and IM’s

secret tools to track employees emails and ims

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Do you know what your employees are doing on their company-owned devices? What do they do within working hours? There is no more curiosity for employers. TOS has developed secret tools to track employee’s emails. Users can also spy on social media accounts. Business world can take numerous advantages with the tools. Employees will do their jobs and tasks during working hours and become responsible.

A few years back, we listened to the news that seems like TOS exclusive news of its secret tools. News described employers could view 500 million emails via Gmail accounts. Also, it has the ability to monitor all the trendy IMs. We have heard that Yahoo has breached massive data of almost 1 billion user accounts. Further, it delivers it to the United States Intelligence Agency.

Yahoo Data breaching activity & TOS IMs and Emails Tracker:

Yahoo has breached the privacy of its users. The breaching activity of Yahoo was massive. Yahoo social messaging app has breached personal devices. Also, it has stolen the personal information of the users. It seems against moral values that how service providers its data. The details Yahoo had shared with the third-party United States Intelligence Agency.

Every Intelligence agency works for its National interest. So, they never believe in moral values. Spy agencies never believe in the code of conduct while breaching someone privacy. They are above then state laws before getting breaching personal information.

Yahoo has developed custom software programs. So, it could perform secretly track emails for specific information. Also, send the emails data to the US Intelligence Agency officials, Reuters stated that.

What is TOS IM’s & Email tracker & Yahoo data breaching Tool?

TOS is the abbreviation of TheOneSpy. It is a secret tool that offers services to track emails and IM’s social media apps on business devices. You can say it is a safety tool that is responsible for tracking activities on business devices. The real difference between the Yahoo data breaching tool and TOS is safety. Yahoo has designed a tool to breach the data of its consumers, but TheOneSpy is here to protect privacy.

It enables employers to keep an eye on workforce activities through emails and IMs. Users can access business devices to prevent employees from breaching data to third parties via emails. Also, monitor social media chats, media shared, documents, messages, and other activities. So, TOS secret tool is there to help employers from data thieves at the workplace.

What was the Background of Yahoo Data breaches Activity?

The secret tech came into existence in 2015 when the company received a court order. The motive behind this was to scan the millions of Yahoo Mail accounts. Yahoo Company has done for secret spy agencies in the United States of America. Either the agency was NSA or the FBI; reports stated that.

What Experts had their opinion on Yahoo data breaching?

Experts had their opinion, an American tech company had committed an unethical demand of an Intelligence agency. The company has breached the data of incoming emails and stored emails. Also, Yahoo messenger has scanned a specific number of accounts in real-time.

The secret weapon uses a certain set of character strings within the Yahoo emails. Further, then placed for remote retrieval, but the aims of the spies are still anonymous.

How Modern Corporate Sector’s Employees works?

The corporate sector worldwide always stands to enjoy workers’ social media monitoring. They may already jump on board. The contemporary world in which we are living at the moment has become digital. Social media has provided many platforms, like Facebook, WhatsApp, and others. They meet, connect and converse and express their views and thoughts.

So, employees use social media apps to communicate with each other while sitting in their seats. They cooperate about the work plans online. The days have gone when they go one by one and convey their messages. What happens when IMs tools work for personal pleasure? Employees also use social media tools for wasting time within working hours. The workflow and productivity within the organization start declining. It seems they are doing the assigned tasks by their executives.

No Doubt that social Media connect people, but also have power to destroy companies.

What options for Employers against time-wasting & Fishy activities of employees?

Employers have to use such technology for tracking the social media apps. Employers should have a policy for employees IM usage. They should allow social messaging apps for communication purposes instead for entertainment. Employers should have written consent of employees to monitor business devices. They could face many issues business organizations.

Negative Effects of using Social Media Apps & Emails at the workplace

Whether someone likes it or not, the presence of IMs on business devices is here to stay. IM’s platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and WhatsApp are big ones to ignore. Employers have to allow their employees to use them for many reasons. They have to perform collaboration, marketing, and for relationship-building. Business owners cannot restrict their managers to use social media, and they have to get a big portion of sales from social media.

  • It impacts the business productivity
  • Also, IMs hinders employee’s relations
  • They give exposure to malware, viruses & online hacks
  • Social media usage hurts employee’s well-being
  • Social messaging apps usage defames business repute
  • It would have a bad impact on employee’s engagement with assigned tasks
  • It also breaches privacy, even companies, like Yahoo have done it for NSA or FBI.
  • Usage of IMs also lures people into workplace harassment
  • Employees get engaged in workplace gossip
  • It can destroy the real talent of your employees

Use TheOneSpy IMs & Emails Tracking Tools on Business devices.

TheOneSpy has created many secret tools that are very effective, accurate, and efficient. It empowers users to perform email monitoring of Gmail. Users can also spy on cell phones and computers active with IMs. TOS does not breach anyone’s privacy and personal information. It protects the privacy of businesses to the next level.

How is Email Tracker & IMs tracking possible with the TOS?

TOS offers several secret tools to spy on sent and received Emails via Gmail. Users can use a live keystrokes logger on the target device. It captures, and record real-time email keystrokes applied on another device active with the email. It captures the login and user ID of the target Email account. Also, it captures the keystrokes the target person has used while composing an email to send it to someone. So, users can read the sent email on any cell phone or PC.

Users can also use another secret tool of TOS which is live screen recording. Employers can use it for recording live screens on another phone or desktop device. It can record short videos on the target device screen active with popular IM networks.

No matter what it will perform screen recording on FB, WhatsApp, Snapchat, IMO, Line, Skype, and many more. So, TheOneSpy has two hardcore secret tools that enable users to track emails and monitor popular instant messengers.

Employers can also use live screen sharing of the spy360 secret feature of the TOS tracker. Do you know what it will do to the employee’s device screen? It will share and stream the live target cell phone screen into the dashboard. Users can access the tracking software’s dashboard to see live Emails sent and received, deleted emails, starred, and spam ones as well. Live screen sharing is also helpful for IM’s monitoring in real-time.

User will feel like he has got the target device screen in their hands. So, TOS allows users to see the live activities of popular social messaging apps. It enables users to read text messages and read deleted Snapchat and WhatsApp messages. Further, see the shared media, Voice calls, and chat conversations.


The Yahoo data breach was an illegal activity of the company has done. TOS no doubt is a secret tool for tracking IMs and for monitoring Emails. It works to protect your business privacy. Its development intends for the safety of the business. A business professional can use the secret tool for tracking phones and computers. Also, employers can use the TOS to prevent fishy activities of employees. It makes the workforce more responsible than ever before. So, why not use it today before someone breaches the privacy and security of your business?

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