Email Monitoring App to Secretly Spy on Emails (Sent and Received)

TheOneSpy app intercepts all emails, revealing their contents without detection. Track all the emails. Keep the records of your staff and teenagers’ emails.

email monitoring software

Check what they are planning and who they are communicating

TheOneSpy is the best email monitoring software. It lets you track emails and read them secretly. It lets you view, send, or receive emails on the targeted device. Use this app to check activities and find the shared files (attachments) of the target.

How Email Monitoring Software Helps You?

Our email monitoring app allows users to remotely access a person’s email and see the emails the person has sent and received. TheOneSpy can only monitor attachments, like video, audio, and image files. It can also monitor the contacts list, which includes names, emails, phone numbers, and addresses. It can log keystrokes to find the body of the email. Outlook, MSN, Yahoo, and Gmail are all email services that can be tracked with the TheOneSpy app.

email monitoring tools

How Email Monitoring Tools Performances?

The email spy app helps you see the activated performances of the targeted device. It helps you find whatever they are doing on it. TheOneSpy email spy app lets you see your employee’s activities in the office. You can see what they are sending and getting. It helps you in business safety. It’s good for employers to see what their employees are doing.

No Root Required to Track Emails Remotely

Yes, you can check to monitor emails with TheOneSpy without rooting the targeted phones. It enables you to track Android phones and discover their activities.

rooted non rooted android

Why TheOneSpy is the Best Choice for All of You?

There are several causes for choosing TheOneSpy app as the best email tracking tool. You can track emails with TheOneSpy app and find;

Send/ receive emails

View all send or receive emails of the targeted device

Emails contact

You can see the complete contact email address of anyone you send mail or receive from

Find activities with timestamps

You can know the targeted person and find their activities in real-time.

Protect your company credentials

Employers can read all their employees’ emails and find if someone sends personal data.

messages notification

Visit TheOneSpy Website & Subscribe

Go to visit TheOneSpy website and get knowledge about it. Then you need to subscribe to email monitoring software. After it, you will receive an official email of ID or password.

access sign

Take Targeted Device into Hand for Installation

You need to get physical access to the targeted devices and install the app.

windows app logo

Get Access to the Web Control Panel

Now you can access the web control panel of TheOneSpy app. here, you can get the monitor to save files of targeted email.

How to install TheOneSpy Email spy app into your targeted device?

You can take a few minutes to install the app into targeted devices and start your installation procedure.

User's Review

boy sign

Ailen Ansley

I found it a great app that helps me secretly search device emails.

boy sign

Amsden swan

With this super-spy software, I can know my employees work in an office

girl sign

Brook Rutherford

This app enables me to save my business data from any dishonest employee

boy sign

Buckley Calder

It always helps me read my employee’s send or receive mails by alert notification.

Frequently asked Queries by users

General Questions

Yes, it is possible to track the emails o your targeted one without knowing the person. It helps you secretly find the live activities of anyone you target. With this app, you can protect your loved ones and discover everything about emails.

Employers are conscious and want to secure their official data. But choose the best email monitoring software. TheOneSpy helps you in finding the emails of the targeted person. It enables you to see what the targeted person is doing.

There are several causes to see the email activities of your targeted person. People are worried and want to be well aware of their loved ones. Employers are afraid and want to find their employees working performances at the office place.

Technical Questions

TheOneSpy is the best monitoring software that enables you to find the activities of your targeted device. It always helps you track the digital devices and see their online performances. This is a great app that remotely accesses the targeted device and secretly knows their activities.

You can view all activated email performances. But you have to know their installation procedure. Once you successfully install the app into your targeted device, you can spy on your targeted person and know their live activities.