Online Predators & Digital Citizenship of Teens – Infographic

online predators and digital citizenship of teens

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Online predators are in huge number in the digital world. They are the real-life predators that have been migrated on the web and now they are known as cyber predators. The actual aim of the predators online is to victimize young minors and teens without thinking about the age, race, color, gender, and sexuality. Online predators usually have their accounts of the social messaging apps particularly where youngsters appear largely.

So, they tend towards them by sending them flying messages for the sake of friendship or use sexual and abusive language for the sake of fun or play bunny hunting for sexual means. They manipulate young teen’s sexuality online and then meet them in real lives for dark motives. On the other hand, young teens are tech-addicted in terms of cell phones, gadgets, and computer devices and mostly spend their time over the internet are known as digital citizens. They use the digital device connected to the internet especially on instant messaging apps.

How Teens Become the Victim of Cyber Predators

Teens!! They love to engage online with the strangers and it could possible that they encounter with cyber predators. They do communication on social media apps and do text messages, audio and video calls, share private photos and others. These sorts of activities put teens in front of online predators and the dangerous consequences become imminent. Teens that use trendy instant messenger such as Facebook, Yahoo, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram and others alike are always under constant threats. Let’s discuss the stats in the bellow.

  • Few cyber predators behave very fast to get to the point and engage teens in sexually explicit conversations and often ended up with harassment, online bullying, and stalking
  • Initially online predators get the sympathy of the teens to win their trust and once they have it, then reveal their real face

CNN Stated that:

Only 5% of the online predators pretends that they are kids and mostly says they are older that is quite appealing for 12 –to 15 years old tweens that often targeted online.

Tip: TheOneSpy (TOS) teens spy app helps parents monitor kids digital activities remotely.

Stalkers, Cyber Bullies & Sexual Predators vs Teens

  • 40% of the male victims of stalking in the Penn –Rutgers study stated that.
  • Most of the cases unveil that teens willingly meet with the stalkers and at the end of the day get trapped
  • Rutgers University and the university of Pennsylvania surveys say 45% of the stalkers are female and 56% to be male.
  • 25% of the teens are repeatedly bullied and humiliated online
  • Sexual predators are usually between the age of 17 -55 and the target teens usually between the age of 11-15.

Teens that are Under Constant Threat

Signs that Your Teens are The Victim

  • Stay lonely and lost
  • Suddenly become rebellious in nature
  • Feel fear to appear online

How Parents can Protect Teens from Cyber Predators?

Hope you have got full information about cyber predators and digital citizenship of teens.

Watch the full video in case you have not got full information of above mentioned idea.

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