Alarm! Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Growing via Facebook Messenger

cryptocurrency mining malware growing via facebook messenger

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The Cryptocurrency mining virus is spreading through Facebook messenger and once a user has clicked the received Malware packed into zip archive allow attackers to get ingress into users Facebook messenger’s profile install self-start procedure and start Chrome with malicious extension and even it can further attack the user’s entire friend list through messenger.

Facebook book messenger user may receive such a video files that can pack with the zip file sent through the anonymous person. So, don’t dare to make a click on it!

The new cryptocurrency mining virus Bot is growing via a Facebook social messaging app and hits the target computer machines users in order to get the advantage of the new wave in cryptocurrency prices, The Researchers from security firm known as Trend Micro stated that to alarm the users.

Furthermore, Dubbed Digmine, the Monero-cryptocurrency malware bot appears as aggregate deductible video file similar as, but actually, it contains automatic start script.

However, a single click on the malware fan put a user at stake and it can infect the victim’s computer device and further its components and associated configuration files penetrate through remotely command and control system (C&C) server.

Moreover, Digimine aims to install a cryptocurrency miner such as miner.exe –a changed version of an open source Monero miner known as XMRig –that secretly mines the Monero cryptocurrency at the back channel for the scammers and hackers through CPU of the target computer device.

Cryptocurrency Mining & Facebook Messenger

Instead of cryptocurrency miner, Digimine bot installs a self-activated mechanism and starts spying chrome browser through spiteful augmentation that empowers the attackers to get ingress into the targeted user’s Facebook profile and transmit the same virus archives to the friend list though messenger.

The time Chrome augmentation can only be activated through official Chrome Web Store, “the cyber attackers dough it via initiating Chrome having spiteful augmentation through commands”.

“Furthermore, the augmentation will be able to address its own configuration through the C&C server. However, it has the power to dictate the extension and even get started by logging into the Facebook and open a fake page that will run video“.

Trend Micro researchers further stated that.

“The fake website that runs the video can further initiate the server of their C&C structure. The decoy website behaves as video streaming website and even has plenty of configurations for virus’s components.


When the user opens the malicious video content via messenger app on the cell phone device does not make any difference, means it becomes harmless.

At the time the miner has controlled over C&C server, the commander behind Digminer can update the viruses in order to change it for different aims overnight.

It has been spotted initially in the country of South Koria makes a user a victim and after that, it initiated into the number of countries such as Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Philippines, Thailand and in Venezuela. On the other hand, the Facebook messenger has got its popularity among the users worldwide the malicious activity can penetrate to next level.

Facebook officials have their view that it has taken the viruses infected files from the social messaging apps, according to the researchers.

The campaigns on Facebook quite common these days, so the users should keep their minds open via making a click on such files social media platforms.

Ultimate threats people may face via malicious viruses

Cyber-attacks are quite common these days and it can really damage the victims financially. In the current year, the entire world’s security has fallen through these kinds of viruses. The contemporary cryptocurrency mining and its further advocacy in the shape of Digimine bot installation and self- activation may give the advantage to the attackers in the new wave in cryptocurrency prices. This is the one aspect that we have discussed yet, but on the other hand, the malicious malware command can be changed overnight. It means it can destroy your data stored in your windows or MAC device and ultimately you may lose all of your confidential data within no time. On the other hand, people usually stored their personal bank information and accounts details such as business organizations, so these kinds of attacks get their hands on such personal information that can make your empty.

How to prevent these online scams and attacks?

The people who are looking forward to preventing these types of online attacks or those who are the victims and don’t want to attack further. They should use the windows and MAC monitoring software that alarms the user that is something wrong with the device. The newly introduced cryptocurrency mining and Digimine bot installation can be prevented through the best computer tracking app. It enables a user to save the entire data stored data within the windows or MAC machine to the fullest. It enables a user to create a data backup in order to secure the data when accidentally user has made click on the particular link or malicious virus.

If the user has lost the entire data by hitting on some kind of viruses link, and the users have already installed the computer spying software, then they can retrieve all the lost data by logging into the online control panel of MAC and windows surveillance program. Furthermore, if the business organizations have authorized their employees that they can use the Facebook on their company’s owned PCs.

The online cryptocurrency mining may enter in your employee’s computer and further into the Facebook messenger and infect the profile of a user including the friend list. It means it can penetrate in all of the company’s computer machines by targeting a single device. Employers can use MAC keylogger and get their hands on all the keystrokes applied on the machine and gets access to the employee’s messenger having password and messenger keystrokes.

It enables employers to see the activities within the messengers. However, users can remotely get the screenshots of the employees when they are the Facebook messenger on the PCs. A user can further use FB screen recording and view the real-time screen activities when the Facebook messenger is running on the machine and can alarm their employees if they are going to make a clink on any kind of malicious links send by the anonymous person. A user can put the URLs of the decoyed websites appeared through the malware links into the filters and block such websites to prevent these type of online scams.


Be aware cryptocurrency mining malware penetrating via Facebook social messaging apps and people can prevent these attacks and secure their machines through the windows & MAC spyware.

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