How to Secretly Screen Record on Snapchat, Instagram & YouTube

how to secretly screen record on snapchat instagram youtube

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As parents, it is difficult to teach children how to use technology in a healthy way. The typical kid spends about 6 to 7 hours a day checking social platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat. Now, reports are alarming, and the number of warning signs, especially in front of parents, is being put on because of the large drop in adolescents’ happiness since smartphones have become teens’ bread and butter.

Things may become worse for you if you read the statistics that an average teenager spends more than seven hours in front of the screen of cell phones and other devices connected to cyberspace. So, parents, especially in modern societies, are looking forward to hidden screen recorders to monitor the screen time of adolescents and teens on their mobile phones.

Why to Use Secretly Screen Recording on Snapchat, Instagram & YouTube?

Obviously, teens’ and adolescents’ screen time on their cell phones, tablets, and computer devices is on the rise. So, working parents or single mothers don’t have much time to keep a secret eye on their teens and children all day long. The technologies in the shape of excessive time spent time on screens cause psychological issues.

Parents have to use such technology that lets them know how much time kids and teens spend on their cellphone screens and what they are doing on YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat while having their meals, beyond the school gates, and while lying on their beds at night. Let’s learn about teens and children and why they spend a lot of time on Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat.

New PEW Research Center Survey

YouTube and Snapchat are the most frequently used online platforms among teens and teens. However, 95% of teens own their cell phone devices, and 46% of teens say they are always staying online. Moreover, 59% of teens say they use Instagram, 60% say they use Snapchat, and 93% of teens use YouTube social platforms all day long on their smartphones connected to the internet, PEW Research Center stated.

Solution: Snapchat Screen Recording App

It allows parents to track the activities of teens and children by recording the Snapchat screen on their mobile phones connected to the internet. Further, you can monitor the screen by making short videos of the screen when instant messaging app is activated on the target device screen, and you can get to know about the activities.

  • Sent/received text messages
  • View Stories
  • Snapchat logs
  • See Friends & Followers
  • Group conversations
  • Shared multimedia

Teen's Activities & Statistics on Snapchat Usage

  • Snapchat has 800 million monthly active users
  • 82% of teens use Snapchat at least once a month, and it is the favorite platform for a little over 36% of teens.
  • Snapchat has attained about 75% of US Gen Z users.
  • About 20 million U.S. teens are using Snapchat in the U.S.

Solution: YouTube Screen Recording App

It enables parents to record all the activities kids and teens have performed on YouTube using cell phones and gadget screens. Parents will be able to see the YouTube screen-recorded videos through TheOneSpy YouTube screen recorder

Teen's Activities & Statistics on YouTube Usage

  • According to the reports, about 71% of teens use YouTube per week
  • 38% of teens say that they check YouTube several times a day
  • 71% of teens watch YouTube on a regular basis for a variety of reasons
  • 58% of the teen are daily users of the YouTube Platform

So, when you mix up all the time they have spent doing these activities, it seems they have a very hectic schedule, and ultimately, it causes plenty of health-related issues among teens. Therefore, parents need to use the hidden screen recording app for cell phones.

Solution: On-Demand Screen Recording

It is the best tool to record Instagram or other apps activities on your target device screen when the social media app is activated. It will allow the user to make back-to-back short videos in real–time of the screen using TheOneSpy on-demand screen recorder. Then, you will be able to know the reason behind screen time on the target mobile phone screen.

  • Sent/received text messages
  • Shared photos
  • Shared videos
  • Video chat

Teen's Activities & Statistics on Instagram Usage

  • According to reports, about 70.4% of users post and share videos on Instagram
  • Instagram is one of the top 3 widely used social messaging apps among teens worldwide
  • 63% of Generation Z, aged between 13-17, use Instagram on a daily basis
  • Most teens use Instagram for sharing photos, texting, and video chat

Excessive Screen Time Decreases Psychological Wellbeing in Teens

FOMO and Social Comparison

Apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube expose teens to posts about the lives of their peers. This can fuel “fear of missing out” and social comparison, making some teens feels their lives don’t measure up in comparison. While social media does have benefits when used constructively, too much use is problematic.

Lack of Sleep and Exercise

Excessive screen time makes it difficult to sleep, exercise, and social interactions. Lack of sleep and exercise are linked to poor mental and physical health in teens. Putting down devices and participating in real-world social interaction and activities is vital for wellbeing.

Tips for Parents

As a parent, monitoring your teen’s screen time and setting healthy limits is important. Have open conversations about responsible technology use and mental health.

When kids are using the spy apps, they run in the background, monitoring everything they do on their phones. You will have access to the entirety of what apps they are using, who they are talking to and how much screen time they have.

Parents need to ask them to promote a healthy balance in their children between socializing and using technology. While technology is an integral part of our lives, the ways it impacts our well-being largely depend on our level of moderation and responsible use. Not only being familiar with various apps but also knowing about parental controls and thinking about tracking apps shows you care for the same.

Social Media and Gaming can Cause Depression and Anxiety

If your child is a teenager right now, you have probably seen the alarming data. Staying in front of the screens for more than 7 hours a day on a daily basis may lead to an increase in anxiety and depression and a decrease in happiness.

The most recent research shows that teens’ wellbeing is positively related to the time they spend on social networks, computer games, and their device overuse.

The Impact of Social Media on Social Comparison and Anxiety

Applications such as Snapchat and Instagram incorporate the use of tools that make the experience of leaving them very hard. Teens are hooked on fixing the right selfies and Snapchat stories to get more likes and follow base. It creates a culture of envy as teens subconsciously compare themselves to the flawlessly curated posts of their friends. There is no doubt that the studies show a connection between social network use and depression and anxiety in teenagers.

Online Gaming Also Problematic

While moderate gaming is OK, teens can play online games for many hours per day using headsets and virtual chat. It has been observed that heavy usage of online games is often bringing an increase in the rate of cases of depression and anxiety among adolescents.

Create Reasonable Limits and Control Use

As a parent, you should set explicit boundaries around the use of the phone, gaming, and social media. Set screen-free times, such as at meal times or after a certain time in the evening. You could think about using a hidden surveillance app to watch exactly how many minutes they spend in each app and give the app limits.

To be healthy, your teen needs to find the right balance between real-world social interaction, physical activity, and technology use. Through open dialogue and moderate boundaries, you can contribute positively to your teenager’s mental health in the Information Age.


YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat are the most popular instant messaging and social platforms among teens world. That’s why these have become the major reason among teens for excessive screen time on cell phones, and you can use TheOneSpy hidden screen recorder for Android to record all the time spent along with activities of teens and children on these platforms.

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