Track Teens Using Cell Phone While Driving

track teens using cell phone while driving

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Driving a vehicle is an art, everyone needs to focus while driving and additionally need to put some precautionary measures related fastening seat belts, wearing a helmet in case of having the motorbike and check the vehicle breaks in order to avoid any kind of furious incident. Since the technology has advanced and everyone has the tech-gadgets in the shape of cell phones in the pocket, the rate of road accidents dramatically has increased. Mostly teens that used to of using a cell phone while driving usually harm themselves due to the distracted driving on the roads. Teens who usually fail to put their complete focus on the roads while driving a vehicle, commonly using their cellphone while driving. We need to discuss why the incident happens on the roads using mobile devices, actually, usage of smartphone devices leads distracted driving and the driver always has delayed reaction times, lane deviating and other risky stunts also the factor of accidents. Everyone knows that including teens that use of a smartphone is dangerous and prohibited while driving on the roads but the text messages and calls and another type of social networking communication habit lead them towards horrible deaths.

Teens consider their first priority to read the text and answer the calls which they receive even at the time of driving and they think that, handle both things easily.

  • Teens: Distracting driving is the real issue
  • The NSC (National Safety Council) reports stated that Almost 23% of accidents happened due to the use of phone devices.
  • Reports also say that almost 1.2 million Road accidents happened due to making conversations on mobile devices while driving in the year.
  • Approximately 100000 additional crashes occur annually due to the cell phone or social networking texting.

What About Teens:

  • AdCouncill survey stated that teen’s texting more than adults while driving. The 82% of young drivers within the age 16-24 admitted that they send and receive messages on their phone devices while driving.

How can Parents Educate Their Teens and Crazy Behavior?

Parents need to use their parenting skills in order to protect their teens. TOS cell phone monitoring software can avoid horrible accidents, when they use their smartphones while driving. Therefore parents must do communication and try to involve in teens decision-making process and understand the pros and cons of their choice.

Examine Your Teens Uses the Phone While Driving:

Parents should examine that their teens use phone devices while driving. Just need to apply some kind of tactics in order to know that your young teen uses their cell phone while driving. Parents should note the time when their teens usually drive. Then check the detailed bill by visiting the cell phone proving websites.  Compare the timings and date, if match then needs to take serious steps to stop your young teen dangerous distracted habit.

We Should Trust Our Young Teens:

Being parents we should know that, they are the only real protector of their teens, so it does not mean that we always tracking our teens that they are using the cell phone behind the wheels. We should trust our teen’s first then guide them about the dangers and then let them decide, are they care about their parents.

No doubt, this will help you out and you will gain the real trust of your beloved young teens. They will feel the responsibility that their parents are very concerned about their protection. When we trust them ultimately they will feel the moral responsibility to pay your trust back.

Set an Action Plan to Make Sure Teens don’t Use a Phone While Driving:

Make a clear-cut conversation with your young teens that use of cell phone while driving will not be tolerated because it is not for their parent’s sake; it is because of their own sake. Therefore, warn your teens don’t use the cell phone when they drive otherwise they will face serious repercussions.

  • Tell your teens if they don’t obey the rules, they will face both natural and logical reactions.
  • Inform your teens on the regular basis that they are being monitored while driving, so they could be caught red handed using the mobile phone while driving.

What if They don’t Obey? And Still Use the Mobile Phone While Driving, What to do?

Technology advancement has provided the humanity infinite numbers of inventions and one of those inventions can help you out, use and spy your target device. TheOneSpy mobile monitoring software help out parents and track their teen’s every single activity they perform while driving such as making calls, text messages, and conversations on the cell phone and also on all top trendy instant messaging social applications with the complete accurate time stamp.

Parents don’t need to surrender against their teen’s crazy adventures behavior of using phone device behind the wheels. TOS empowers parents to discipline teens while driving, parents can set their monitoring preferences and can block texting while driving, block incoming calls, view installed apps by using the remote control feature of TOS spy app.

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