app used time on windows pc

Monitor App Used Time to Track Activities Time On Windows PC

Monitor all apps used time on your target windows computer laptop or desktop device

Usually plenty of application installed on computer device running with windows OS. Now windows spy software let you know how much time target device user has spent on particular application running on Windows desktop or laptop PC instantly making a single tap on the feature and you will have the complete list of all the apps that is been installed alongside app used time on target Windows computer.

  • Time spent on apps installed on windows
  • Social media apps
  • YouTube app
  • Online dating apps
  • All other apps installed on windows

How TOS App used time feature works on windows?

Before, you want to use App used time high –tech tool on target windows PC you have to get access to the electronic web portal. Once you have got the access to TheOneSpy online dashboard then very next moment end user needs to visit the features and then make a single tap on the feature you are looking forward. It will display a list that will contain the time spent on each and every single application that is installed on target windows device. It will enable you to know how much time target user has spent on particular applications.

How to install TheOneSpy to get App used time tool for windows?

If you want to know how much target window device user has spent time on all the apps installed then you need to install TOS Windows monitoring software on the target device. Therefore, use windows surveillance app on targeted PC and get started with the process of installation. The moment you have done with the installation then you have to activate it on the targeted windows PC. In addition, use the credentials and get access to TOS app web control panel. Now you can further visit the features and need to tap on app used time tool for windows. It will let you know how much time target device user has spent on the apps installed on the device.

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Benefits for parents

Parents don’t want to let their teens to obsess with the certain kinds of applications especially at certain point of time installed on target windows device. Applications could be WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, and many others dating apps that teens these days are get used to of. Now parents can remotely monitor how much time teens have spent on apps installed on the target windows device. Further, they will be able to know which are the apps mostly used by the teens.

Benefits for Individuals

Individuals who think they are obsessed with the social media apps and apps like YouTube and others. They can themselves get to know how much time they spend on particular apps that they really want to know about.  They can use it to prevent themselves from social media apps obsessions and plenty of others activities like that. They can also recommend their friends to know how much they get used to of using particular apps using windows tracking app.

Benefits for Employers

Business organizations mostly pay to their employees for eight hours a day. Therefore, they really want from their employees to spend eight working hours on the assigned tasks. However, employees waste time on the apps installed on their windows computer devices owned by the company. Now, employees can easily get to know how much employees have spent time on each and every single app installed on their windows device.

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