Ground Realities of Monitoring Employees

employee staff spy monitoring ground realities

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Employee monitoring empowers a business to track staff activities and track the workers at workplace-related tasks. In a business organization, surveillance of employees matters a lot. It can increase productivity, monitor attendance, fortify security and prove how much a person has worked in a shift. The modern staff monitoring tools are the current implementations, but the exercise has been executed for a long time. If we put our little effort and research history, the first timesheet was contrived in 1988.  In the modern world, business is enabling to keep an eye on their staff individually and entirely. Now employers have the power to know how much employees spend their time at work. How much are they productive? For what purposes have they used the internet, what sort of applications are they using, on what assigned tasks are they struggling, and when do they do best in their work on the company’s trusted devices or gadgets? Modern technology has to be appreciated; now companies can monitor effectively all the activities such as the use of the internet and applications usage, Emails, keystrokes, cell phone usage, computer screen recording, audio and video surveillance, GPS location tracking, and the ability to control the company’s assigned devices efficiently.

Shapes of Employee Monitoring:

Staff monitoring may come in many shapes, some of which you may not know about. For example, employee monitoring software would be convenient for businesses while tracking different employee activities. So let’s hover over the most common forms.

Use of the Internet in a Business:

Approximately two-thirds of business organizations track their staff usage of the internet on their assigned devices.  Undoubtedly, knowing what type of activities your team members are doing on the internet would be beneficial. For example, let’s suppose they spend time browsing and visiting websites such as shopping websites, using messengers for fun and other entertaining activities.

Then you are sure about your workers that they are not working seriously. But sometimes, this type of monitoring is very problematic for business; let’s suppose a social media manager is working under you and always visiting social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, and others. Still, it would not be objectionable, but at the same time, it would be productive.

However, a monitoring app like TheOneSpy lets you know how much time they spend and for what purposes they use social media platforms. You will make better judgments about what your employee exactly does online. You can; for example, you sit browsing history and bookmarked websites to analyze the interests of your staff member deeply.


Surprisingly, almost 43% of business owners monitor their staff emails. It helps out companies to solve problems even before they are going to occur. Emails monitoring is very effective in settling disputes. Once, a Massachusetts judge summoned an employer with two sexual harassment claims to search his employee’s emails. Almost three-fourths of the companies that spy on emails use spy software such as the TOS Emails tracking app, which allows you to view incoming/outgoing emails and Gmail.


Being an employer, you know that the customer care department is the backbone of every business organization. Therefore,  you may record your staff’s communication level with the clients; it would be evident that the customer care representatives who guide their clients to show friendly behavior would have good customer care states compared to your other customer care staff. That’s why business has to track the calls and Messages of Company-owned cell phone devices.  Using the employee surveillance app, bosses can record live calls and spy on messages. Companies were concerned about companies owned smartphone misuse that allows employers to view call history. It further empowers you to monitor MMS, iMessage, and BBM chat messages.

Voice Mails:

There are 9% of companies spy on employees’ voicemails. If we look at the past at very before email or chat, people used voice mails to convey a message to communicate. Now in the modern world, this practice is limited but present within the offices; less than one-tenth po the United States population es it. So, those who want to monitor it can use IM’s social media logging of cell phone spy software and listen to short voice messages because, in the current world, voice messages are being used through instant messaging applications.


A business that has mobile employees supplies products to its clients. According to some studies conducted since 2012, almost 62% of companies have “roaming” workforces and keep surveillance of their movement.  Therefore, employers who have mobile employees on company-owned vehicles and they pretend to reach the assigned area. You can use a GPS location tracker; it allows you to view the current location of your employee, location history and weekly tracked GPS location history.

The Pros of Monitoring Employees:

Business owners, executives, and team leaders can make a difference and reap many awards by monitoring employee applications. So let’s take a look at the pros.

No One Will Waste Time:

When an employee knows that they are being monitored through employee monitoring software, it is evident that they don’t waste time and focus on their work. They will not waste their time just hanging on social media websites and apps and will not spend their time playing games and other stuff on the internet. In short, staff monitoring makes a difference in making employees more disciplined than ever before.

Fewer Errors:

Let’s suppose that when you have more insight into your team’s work and one of your team members is making a blunder in the assigned tasks, you can scrutinize your employee’s work performance. By getting screenshots of the targeted employee’s smartphone screen, you can view the situation of your employee’s work and halt them when they go wrong.

The increase in productivity:

When we know that a hidden eye is watching, we put our t effort into our work into another id another’s serious arguments. Ultimately, the productivity of a business automatically increases. Employee tracking software makes people responsible for what they are assigned.

 < vital>More transparency:

With thousands of employees, it would be difficult for employers to judge their employees who are more transparent in their work. Still, by having an employee surveillance app, you can access data on every employee. As a result, employers can get their hands on a high-level and granular view of employee activities.

Lack of Data Breaching:

Modern technology is heavily affected by online ransomware cyber-attacks. Ultimately, employers are very concerned about protecting their company’s confidential data a. Aesult; data breach becomes impossible if you use employee monitoring software.

The Cons of Employee Monitoring:

Everything has its side effects, but the drawbacks are comparatively far less than the pros of employee monitoring.

The destructive impact on morale:

When you scrutinize your employees’ activities, it automatically comes to your mind that your executives don’t trust yoUltimatelyend, it affects employee morale badly as the relationship and trust between the employer and employee.


Employees don’t pay full attention to their work because they feel pressure and stress when employees ok with their every move.

Legalities of Monitoring Employees:

  • When looking forward to employee monitoring, you have to consider many things.
  • There are not any federal laws present that stop private companies from doing surveillance on employees.
  • Most importantly, private employees don’t claim to have rights on privacy issues.
  • If you are a private employer with a federal contract in which you are bound to keep records, or you are a public company, then monitoring rights are limited.
  • Even though the lack of federal laws forces some states to make their laws.
  • Before monitoring your employee, you require taking his consensus; then monitoring is legal.
  • Monitoring is allowed on the company’s owned devices, such as cell phones, computers, and other tech gadgets.
  • An employer can monitor phone calls, text messages, and voice messages, and GPS location can be tracked legally with the employee’s consent if the employee has a company-owned device.
  • Employers can evaluate the working hours performance of their employees through the TOS employee monitoring app.

How to Pick a Perfect Employee Monitoring Software?

If you are looking for an application that enables you to track your employees, then if following three things an employee monitoring has, then go for it.

  • Is it helpful for the productivity of your business? If yes, then get the employee surveillance app.
  • Will it avoid liabilities?
  • Is it helpful for spotting problems before they happen?

Conclusion: Employers must consider all the dos and don’ts while monitoring the activities and choose the ultimate and reliable employee monitoring software.

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