VK The Russia’s Facebook: Protect Children From Its Harmful Content

vk the russias facebook protect children from its harmful content

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If you have not heard about VK before then you can say it is the European version of Facebook. It is also known as “Vkontakte”. Since, 2006 the social media platform was the most popular one all across Europe, because it is available in multiple languages. Therefore, currently, VKontakte is largely used in Europe but it is quite popular all across the world. Similar to Facebook, VK users can send friend requests, direct text messages, likes, shares and you can share your photos, videos and other activities people normally perform on Facebook.

You can find out new peoples, join communities, groups. Despite its similarities with the mighty Facebook, VKontakte” on the other hand reportedly has appeared to far more dangerous than other social media networks. The sexually explicit content on Vk is everywhere on user’s profiles, adult communities filled up with the adult videos and images and last but not the least users can stalk opposite gender and shares child pornographic related content. Therefore, it is one of the social media websites that is largely used in teens and at the same time allow user to access harmful content. So, parents have to keep an eye on their teens that lurks on Vk social media platform.

VKontakte or VK: Why it is Dangerous for Teens?

  • In general VK focuses on sharing videos and audio files to someone you want
  • It does not matter whether you know someone or not for interaction or adding friends
  • VK is Notorious for musically sexually explicit videos
  • #Free the Nipples movement on VK
  • Presence of Virtuous pedophiles in large numbers
  • VK is largely popular social media network among teenagers
  • Online trolling and cyber bullying are the common activities

VK is generally a free guilty pleasure platform for teens where they can see or post images, photos, videos -listen to the music for free and even make a search for good old porn to seek relief for your feelings. In short, it is a social media website or app that allows teens to harbor sexual fantasies on their cell phones and computer machines.

In addition, sometimes teens visit social media for getting relief for their feelings and often get involved sharing explicit material of them and using VK on a cell phone is the biggest factor behind it. Therefore, parents are looking forward to remotely snoop on teen’s mobile phones in order to know what teens are doing on it.

VKontakte or VK stats:

  • VK has 210 monthly active users and mostly users are teens and young adults
  • 5 billion messages being sent on on daily basis
  • 1 Billion Likes being made on VK per day
  • 77% of the VK users use it on cell phone devices & most of the users are youngsters
  • Vk is the 4th most visited social media network in the world
  • It is available in 80+ supported languages that attracts young users in the world, European in particular

What Teens can do on VK Social Media App?

Teens not only can share their photos, videos, but they can also share and visit third party music and videos on VK with their friends and even with the strangers. When it comes to Facebook users can have to focus on profile pages, status updates, but on the other hand, VK is essential works as Facebook, and Spotify hybrid. Also, teens can share files for free that is considered illegal but on VK it is not. Teens online Facts could be harmful and parents need to be aware of social media activities.

teens using social media VK

Furthermore, users don’t take care of their privacy, and teens are one of them and they don’t bother filling up the data on their profiles, in terms of personal information, photos, videos, and to create memories. Teens can use VK is a best communication, dating, stalking and as well as using it as for slut-shaming activities. They can send direct messages and can add friends no matter if they know someone personally or not as well as allows you to make contact with anyone.

Most Common Password of Teens on VK is “123456”

When it comes to the password-protected profiles of the users that were mostly youngster’s stats were horrible. The information was collected at the time when VK database was released online about most of the leaked password profiles because of the storage system of the VK that deals with the weak passwords. It’s been found that:

  • Almost 700,000 people have used the password “123456” on VK accounts
  • Almost 400,000 has used “123456789” others were “111111” and 123321”

It means young teens and adults that have made their sexually suggestive photos; videos and other stuff could be leaked to someone else and at the end of the nothing have left to lose but to gain real embarrassment.

real embarassment

Teens are used to sharing stuff online on social media but don’t keep in mind that when sharing becomes shaming. Therefore, social media monitoring of teens on their cell phone devices have become necessary no time ever before for parents to protect their online privacy to the fullest.

Stalking, Bullying Online and Virtuous Pedophiles on VK

VK has provided so much freedom to their every user. So, there could be high chances that similar to the Facebook and many other major social media platforms and apps VK harbors stalkers, cyber bullies, sexual predators, and last but not the least virtuous pedophiles who try to trap kids and teens online.

Therefore, parents have to teach their children when civility online a duty and when is it a trap for them. VK is reportedly famous among the teens and young adults and I would say predators online and another psycho in nature surely follows young teens on the 4th largest social media websites.

VK Security Breaches

Security breaches are not common on the largest social media platforms of the world, but over the years cyber-attacks have become very common where black hate hackers have created cyber chaos. Several years ago the VK security breach was exposed when a hacker claims to sell 150 million accounts that include names, passwords, logins, and phone numbers on the deep dark web.

 The security breach happened in the year 2012 or 13. Therefore, parents should guide their children to protect their online privacy social media accounts in particular.

Having said before that VKontakte or VK is grooming teens sexually because there are plenty of communities, child pornographers and stuff like that are present on website. Furthermore, teens willingly share explicit material on social media including Russia’s Facebook VK. Therefore, parents have to keep a hidden eye on their teen’s social media activities especially in terms of shared media, messages, conversations, and posted comments and content.

Parents have to set parental control on their social media platforms including VK. They can use live secret screen recorder for cell phone and can record screen activities of cell phone running with VK social media app to stay updated and make arrangements accordingly.


“Social savvy generation” in Europe is highly obsessed with the VK over the years that are a replica of Facebook but Vk is far more dangerous. Therefore, parents living in Europe or another part of the world they should use parental monitoring app to protect teens and kids from VK harmful content.

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